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difference between micro operation and microinstruction

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microprocessor is a program controlled device,which fetches, decodes and executes instruction codes.

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Q: Difference between microprocessor and instruction code?
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Difference between code segment and data segment of an instruction?

In the 8086/8088 microprocessor, the code segment is used to fetch the opcode and any additional instruction bytes that might be part of the instruction, while the data segment is used to fetch and/or store any operand bytes that the instruction requires to be manipulated.This is in the case of no segment override prefix.

What is diffeence between a microprocessor and microprogramed?

Do you mean what is the difference between a microprocessor and microcode? Microcode is an instruction sequencer found in CISC architectures. It's job is to take the machine code and break it down into a sequence (usually steps of 4) to execute things such as indirect register references and other multi-step instructions.

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op code is used as the value of instruction . And operand is address location where the instruction can meet.

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A code is a set of words or lines made to do most of the task a command is a set of instruction given with authority.

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How does the microprocessor work?

Suppose we give a 8-bit instruction ADD B to the microprocessor then this instruction is not at all understood by microprocessor as it only accepts binary inputs so first of all it stores the instruction in the INSTRUCTION REGISTOR then it decodes this instruction ADD B to its suitable binary code 80H in the INSTRUCTION DECODER.. after converting to 80H then the microprocessor understands that .. yes i have to add the content of the resistor B with that of A(accumulator) and store the result in the accumulator A this is a small example how microprocessor operates facing the instructions

What is function of nop in microprocessor?

The NOP instruction is short for no-operation. It is an executable instruction that does nothing to the processor, its registers, or its flags. It is useful in timing loops, or to provide room for patchabilty of a piece of code.

How does high level language relate to microprocessor instruction set?

Each HLL (High Level Language) instruction is comprised of multiple microprocessor instructions, in a platform-dependent manner. The microprocessor only understands a very simple instruction set, usually on the order of between 30 and 200 instructions (including variants). The most compact processors generally use a RISC architecture (Reduced Instruction Set Computing), which has a fixed size instruction unit and a limited number of instructions (reducing design complexity and power requirements), while Intel uses a richer instruction set (so processors are more complex). The important part about a HLL is that the developer doesn't have to know or understand the microprocessor they are coding for, because their HLL compiler will take care of the details for them. They should at least understand, however, that their HLL code is not executed by the computer directly, but is instead converted into a series of small, single-step instructions that the microprocessor will follow.

What is the difference between near and far procedure in 8086 microprocessor?

Near calls and returns transfer control between procedures in the same code segment. Far calls and returns pass control between different segments.

When an instruction is executed in a programm what happens in the processor memory?

All the programming instructions whcih are basically in the assembly code has the corresponding hexadecimal code.the microprocessor understand or interprets what this code is and based on that it performs operation for eg HLT which had hexcode 76 the microprocessor understands76 as tha halt instruction and based on that it halts or terminates the program Anand bhat(mca@kiit-870024)

What do Fetch Decode and Execute mean in a microprocessor?

Fetch Decode Execute. This is the cycle that processors will follow. Fetch the Instruction, Decode it into machine code, Execute the commands

How does a high level language relate to the microprocessor's instruction set?

Generally speaking, it doesn't relate at all. If it did, it wouldn't be high-level, it would be machine-dependent. The relationship between the high-level code and the machine-code is ultimately determined by the language translator (compiler and/or interpreter) but, unlike assembly language which maps 1:1 with the microprocessor instruction set, compilers and interpreters are code generators and there is seldom a 1:1 relationship between the high-level source code and the machine code.