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primary productivity.

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primary productivity.

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primary productivity

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Q: The amount of organic material that the autotrophic organisms of an ecosystem produce?
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Which of the organisms in a forest ecosystem is an example of a producer?

Trees are examples of producers in a forest ecosystem because they are able to photosynthesize and convert sunlight into energy, which is then used to produce food for themselves and other organisms in the ecosystem.

What is autatrophic?

Autotrophic organisms are plants that don't need an exogenous supply of organic nutrition. Autotrophic organisms make their food from inorganic compounds, e.g. nitrogen.

Which type of organism synthesizes organic material from inorganic raw material?

the type of organisms known as yeast sinthesizes organic molecules from organic raw materials.The yeast is a fungal species .it takes organic raw materials like starch and produces the alcohol.alcohol is nothing but CH3OH. it is having an OH group and an alkyl group.

Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients for an ecosystem are called?

Producers. These are organisms that can photosynthesize, like plants, algae, and some bacteria, using sunlight to convert inorganic substances into organic nutrients that can be used by other organisms in the ecosystem.

What is biological productivity?

Biological productivity is how much energy or mass is produced by the members of an ecosystem. There are two types of biological productivity: primary production, in which organisms create organic material from inorganic materials through autotrophy; and secondary production, in which organic material is created from other organic material through heterotrophy.

Content of organic material?

Organic material contains organic compounds from the remains of dead organisms and their waste products.

What is the general name given to organic material in an ecosystem?


Is autotrophic the majority of bacteria?

No, autotrophic bacteria are not the majority of bacteria. The majority of bacteria are actually heterotrophic, meaning they obtain their carbon and energy from organic molecules produced by other organisms. Autotrophic bacteria, on the other hand, are capable of producing their own organic molecules using sunlight or inorganic compounds as a source of energy.

Why is fungus important to an ecosystem?

Why are decomposers such as fungi and bacteriaimportant to an ecosystem?

How do organisms in an ecosystem depend on detritivores?

Detritivores decompose organic materials in an ecosystem and return the nutrients to the soil, air, and water.

What is an Organic material such as leaves and twigs that may be changed to humus by decomposing organisms called?

organic material such as leaves and twigs that may be changed to humus by decomposing organisms

Why must heterotrophic organisms ingest food?

Because they require organic compounds for growth, unlike autotrophic organisms which produce their own nutrients by absorbing inorganic compounds.