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Anything alive on earth, as in Tera, has the element carbon in it. This answer, of course, depends on what we have not found, but what we have found.

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All organic chemicals do, also carbon dioxide and monoxide.

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Q: Chemical that contain carbon
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What chemical elements does fat contain?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

What is the chemical for exhaled breath?

This gas contain nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide.

What does magnesuim carbonate contain?

Chemical formula of magnesium carbonate is MgCO3. Magnesium carbonate contain magnesium, carbon and oxygen.

I want to know about chemical compound of Adenium sp.?

Organic compounds contain carbon

Where is carbon in your body?

The great majority of chemical substances in your body, such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates etc., contain carbon. The main exception is water, which contains no carbon.

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Is it chemical group is same as chemical compound and what chemical group that do not contain carbon?

A chemical group refers to a specific arrangement of atoms in a molecule that imparts particular properties. A chemical compound, on the other hand, is a substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements. Chemical groups can contain atoms other than carbon; for example, hydroxyl (-OH), amino (-NH2), and nitro (-NO2) groups do not contain carbon.

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Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

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Organic chemical compounds

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Carbon Iliza

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carbon nerdoxide and ammonia

What chemical elements does fat contain?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen.

Chemicals that do not contain carbon?

Inorganic chemicals such as salts like sodium chloride (table salt), water (H2O), and gases like oxygen (O2) and nitrogen (N2) do not contain carbon. These chemicals are not considered organic compounds because they lack carbon atoms.

Carbon tetrachloride is made of carbon and which other element?

Carbon tetrachloride is made of carbon and chlorine.

What chemical elements have polyester?

Polyesters contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

What chemical element is found in all organic molecules?

Carbon is the chemical element found in all organic molecules.

What chemical element makes up polyethylene?

Polyethylene contain hydrogen and carbon.