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It is a divergent plate boundary

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Kasandra Hegmann

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2y ago
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3mo ago

The Juan de Fuca Plate is a tectonic plate boundary known as a divergent boundary. This is where two plates move away from each other, creating new crust as magma rises from beneath the Earth's surface.

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14y ago

The Juan De Fuca Plate is located to the west of the North American Plate. These two plates are separated by the Cascadia subduction zone. This plate slides under the North American Plate. This Plate, in conjunction with the North American Plate, is largely responsible for the many earthquakes and volcanoes in the Cascada Range.

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11y ago

All three types of plate boundary, convergent, divergent, and transform, are found at the edges of the Pacific Plate, as is the case with many plates. Most of the boundaries of the Pacific Plate that significantly affect humans are convergent, with the notable exception of the San Andreas Fault, which is a transform boundary.

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11y ago

The tectonic plate that runs 250 miles away from the coast of Washington, and Oregon. The Juan de Fuca Plate also spans 300 miles.

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15y ago

A divergent plate boundary.

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11y ago

convergent plate boundary

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Q: What type of boundary is the Juan DE fuca plate?
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What is the plate boundary of the cascade mountains?

The Cascade Mountains are primarily located along the boundary between the Juan de Fuca Plate and the North American Plate. This boundary is a convergent plate boundary, where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting beneath the North American Plate, leading to the formation of the Cascade Range through volcanic activity.

What type of boundary is Mt Hood?

Mt. Hood is an example of a convergent boundary, where the North American Plate is colliding with the Juan de Fuca Plate, leading to the formation of the Cascade Mountain Range.

What type of boundary created the cascade range mountains?

The Cascade Range mountains were created by a convergent boundary where the Juan de Fuca Plate is being subducted beneath the North American Plate. This collision led to magma being generated and rising to the surface, resulting in the volcanic peaks of the Cascade Range.

What type of structure has formed where the juan de fuca plate is subducting beneath the north American plate?

A deep ocean trench, called the Cascadia Subduction Zone, has formed where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting beneath the North American Plate. This subduction has also resulted in the formation of the Cascade Mountain Range due to volcanic activity along the boundary.

What type of plate boundary is closest to England?

The type of plate boundary closest to England is a convergent boundary. This is where the Eurasian Plate is colliding with the African Plate, resulting in the uplift of the Alps mountain range and causing seismic activity in regions like Italy.

Related questions

What is the plate boundary of the cascade mountains?

The Cascade Mountains are primarily located along the boundary between the Juan de Fuca Plate and the North American Plate. This boundary is a convergent plate boundary, where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting beneath the North American Plate, leading to the formation of the Cascade Range through volcanic activity.

What type of tectonic plates does mount st helens have?

On a continental plate. Mount Saint Helens is on a convergent plate boundary. The Juan de Fuca plate is being pushed under the North American Plate.

What type of plate boundary is near seattle?

The plate boundary near Seattle is a convergent boundary. The Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting beneath the North American Plate, leading to the formation of the Cascade Range and causing seismic activity in the region.

Are there maps of plate boundaries for mt st Helen's?

Yeah there are maps for the Mt St Helens plate boundaries. Type into google Juan de Fuca plate boundaries It is a destructive plate boundary

What type of structure has formed where the juan de fuca plate is subduction beneath the north American plate?


What type of structure has formed where Juan De fuca plate is subducting beneath the North American plate?


What type of boundary is Mt Hood?

Mt. Hood is an example of a convergent boundary, where the North American Plate is colliding with the Juan de Fuca Plate, leading to the formation of the Cascade Mountain Range.

What type of plate boundary is California?

The Pacific plate is on the left and The North American plate is on the right. The Pacific plate is moving in a northwesterly direction while the North American plate is moving Southwest This is a conservative plate boundary where pressure is being built up and at any point one plate can jerk and release all this energy in the form of shockwaves.

What type of plate boundary is mt bachelor on?

Mount Bachelor is located near the western edge of the North American Plate in the Cascade Range. This region is primarily influenced by the Cascadia Subduction Zone, where the Juan de Fuca Plate is being subducted beneath the North American Plate. This makes Mount Bachelor part of a convergent plate boundary.

The cascade range volcanoes are associated with which type of plate boundary?

convergent oceanic oceanic

What type of plate boundary caused Mount St Helens?

Mount St. Helens is located along the Cascadia Subduction Zone, where the Juan de Fuca Plate is subducting beneath the North American Plate. This subduction zone is a convergent plate boundary, resulting in the volcanic activity that built the mountain and led to its catastrophic eruption in 1980.

What type of boundary created the cascade range mountains?

The Cascade Range mountains were created by a convergent boundary where the Juan de Fuca Plate is being subducted beneath the North American Plate. This collision led to magma being generated and rising to the surface, resulting in the volcanic peaks of the Cascade Range.