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The Baby American eel that is fished for in Maine brought in almost 39 million dollars. Lobster catching is the number one in commercial fishing in Maine. It brought in 244 million dollars.

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Q: How much money does commercial fishing bring in to the state of Maine?
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How doe Alaska make its money?

Through fishing since Alaska has many commercial fishing industries. And if you have will and persistence, you can find a good job and make money.

How was money made in 1650-1700 in Maine?

In that area (Maine didn't exist yet, it was part of Massachusetts) common sources of income came from fishing and lumber.

About the career commercial fishing?

Commercial fishing is not like sport fishing. Commercial fishing is how they get seafood to the market. and commercial fishing you dont do it with a pole and reel you catch it by longlining, pot fishing, crab pots, and a few other ways.

What supplies do I need in order to go on a fishing trip?

There are many supplies you should take with you. You will want to bring your fishing poles, money for bait or bring them with you and have them in a cooler, lures, extra fishing line and hooks, and a lunch for yourself. You should also bring a big bucket if you are planning to take the fish and have them cut up for you.

What are the effect of illegal fishing?

Illegal fishing is sometimes called poaching. Poachers do not respect fishing seasons (times when you are allowed to fish for a give species) which could affect breeding and lower fish stocks in a body of water. Poacher also may not abide by catch limits which adds further pressure to the fish and may lower fish stocks in the given body of water.Poaching (fishing out of season, or for protected species, or fishing above quotas, or fishing without a license) is a criminal act and could lead to fines and imprisonment.

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Asian carp could seriously damage commercial fishing by crowding out other species in the U.S., costing fishermen and companies money.

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