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Summer homework is good and bad for students. It is good because it reminds them of what they learnes. However it is bad because it can take away a lot of the joy that comes from summer. I have summer homework and usually finish it 3-4 weeks after school gets out so i have the whole second half of the summer to forget what I did, so baisically it is useless.

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10y ago

Everybody would love to play all the time and not have to work. School is your job, and just like your parents have to go to a job every day, you have to do schoolwork even if it's not fun. Homework is not "bad" - it helps you learn the material and do better in school so you can get a better job and make more money once you are grown up.

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10y ago

Studies show that most kids forget a lot of what they have learned over the year during the summer, so homework is helpful

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Why is homework bad for students' lives?

Everybody would love to play all the time and not have to work. School is your job, and just like your parents have to go to a job every day, you have to do schoolwork even if it's not fun. Homework is not "bad" - it helps you learn the material and do better in school so you can get a better job and make more money once you are grown up.

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That would be impossible to calculate.Teachers usually vary in giving their students homework.When teachers are usually in a bad mood,or punishing, or frankly,have nothing better to do,they usually give their students homework on Friday.My teachers never gave us homework on Fridays because they know how it felt.

Is it a bad thing for university students to not have summer jobs?


Is it a bad for university students to never have summer jobs?

No, most of them don't work in the summer

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Any practice that you do -- such as homework! -- is going to improve your knowledge.

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What are the causes of studentss stress?

Most of the stress that is put upon students are ... - A lot of homework - and when they get bad grades.

What are the bad effects of computer to students?

Students can get addicted to it. The usual results are that they would dislike studying and doing their homework according to the mental health care association.

Does homework improve your grades?

It depends on the person. When I used to do homework, it did somewhat improve study habits because I always made space for homework, why not studying? Plus, homework improves academic performace only if you understand the subject, if not, it is just a waste of time on your part. Homework evaluates whether you know the material or not.

How do you make a teacher give you no homework even if you were bad?

You don't. Teachers have objectives to meet and part of that is homework that is given. One way or another you will get the assignment . Most write the homework on the white board. I had my students do a weekly agenda. No excuses for not knowing.

Is it a bad thing that university students don't have summer jobs?

No, but it's a smart decision for paying fees