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Question 1:

How do you declare an array of three pointers to chars?

How do you declare an array of three char pointers?

Note: both of these questions are merely alternative wordings for the same question.

Answer 1:

char * a[3];

Question 2:

How do you declare a pointer to an array of three chars?

Answer 2:

char a[3]; // an array of three chars

char * p = a; // a pointer to an array of three chars

Question 3:

How do you declare a pointer to a function which receives an int pointer?

Answer 3:


// some functions we can point at:

void func_1(int * p){}

void func_2(int * p){}

// note: all functions we wish to point at with the same

// pointer must have the same signature.

int main()


int* p = NULL; // instantiate an int pointer

void (*pFunc) (int*); // declare a function pointer

pFunc = func_1; // point to func_1

pFunc(p); // call func_1 via function pointer

pFunc = func_2; // point to func_2

pFunc(p); // call func_2 via function pointer



Note that the brackets in the function pointer declaration are required. If you omit them, you will end up with a standard function declaration that returns a pointer to void, resulting in a compiler error.

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11y ago
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15y ago

int main()


char *array[3]; // This declares an array of type char*of size 3

// Declare two random chars

char example0 = 'X';

char example1 = 'Y';

// You can use the char* array elements just like any regular char*

array[0] = example0;

array[1] = example1;

printf("array[0] = %c, array[1] = %c\n", array[0], array[1]); // Prints X, Y

array[0] = example1;

array[1] = example0;

printf("array[0] = %c, array[1] = %c\n", array[0], array[1]); // Prints Y, X

return 0;


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9y ago

Typedef the function signature then create an array of pointers of that type.

char* func1() {/*...*/}

char* func2() {/*...*/}

char* func3() {/*...*/}

typedef char* (*func_ptr)();

func_ptr func_array[3];

int main()


func_array[0] = &func1;

func_array[1] = &func2;

func_array[2] = &func3;


return 0;


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8y ago

char* my_array[3]; /* an array of three pointers to char */

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11y ago

char * p[3];

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14y ago

char* a[3]; char* b[3]; char[3] *c; void(*d)(int*); Note that these are definitions. To make these declarations only, use the keyword 'extern'.

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11y ago

char c[3]; //array of 3 chars

char * p; //pointer of type char

p=c; //point the pointer to the base of char array

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14y ago

char *p[3];

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