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An island is a piece of land that has been surrounded by water. A good use in a sentence is "The survivors of the sunken ferry decided to swim for some minutes until they reached an island".

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Iain ignored Isabelle's incredibly icy island.

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8y ago

Island life is depicted as idyllic.The island suffered great damage from the tsunami.

I want to own a whole island.

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The crash survivors washed up on an island.

Our private island is so peaceful.

The pirates used the island to hide their treasures on.

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Q: How can I use the word island in a sentence of alliteration?
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Alliteration is the use of the same letter or sound usually used at the beginning of each word in a sentence. An example is, She Sells Seashells by the Seashore.

what dose alliteration mean?

The use of the same sound at the beginning of each word in a line or a sentence.

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