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They are mass, volume, density, and weight.
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14y ago
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9y ago

The main properties in science are solids, liquids, and gasses. Basically, anything that is considered to be a specific state of matter, it can be a property of science.

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Corey_ Gaming

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3y ago

It is called a Trait

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wassim Aharoui

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12y ago

A Trait

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Q: What are the properties in science?
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TV can showcase science content through documentaries, educational programs, and science fiction shows, which can help engage and inform viewers about scientific concepts and discoveries. Additionally, advancements in TV technology rely on scientific principles, such as optics, acoustics, and electromagnetic waves.

What is the name of the science that investigates materials and their properties and behaviour?

Quite simply that is called Materials Science and Engineering.

What science isn't?

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