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Answer A lamprey has a symbiotic relationship with many types of sharks.

You probably mean the remora, which is a fish with a sucker attached to the top of its head. It uses this to attach itself to sharks and rides along with the predator, to share in its scraps.

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9y ago
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11y ago

sucker fish never oppose shark fish, it's always swim under the shadow of shark,it will get the residue of the shark after the hunt and sucker always protected from other fishes because of being with the shark.

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15y ago

There is this REALLY tiny fish that cleans in between sharks teeth and the shark and the fish ( I forgot its name but i learned about it one time in school) have mutalism! yay!

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11y ago

There isn't one, the sucker fish is strictly a parasite on the shark.

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15y ago

joey d

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Q: What is the symbiotic relationship between shark and suckerfish?
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What organism has a symbiotic relationship with a remora?

A Shark

What is the symbiotic relationship between a shark and a fish?

The symbiotic relation is commensalism. Their relation is through the symbiotic relationship. The symbiotic relation is commensalism. Their relation is through the symbiotic relationship. The symbiotic relation is commensalism. Their relation is through the symbiotic relationship. The symbiotic relation is commensalism. Their relation is through the symbiotic relationship.

What is the symbiotic relationship between the cleaner fish and shark?

Sharks do not have a symbiotic relationship with the fish they eat. However, a lot of sharks do have a symbiotic relationship with remoras. This small, tubelike fish attaches itself to larger fish (including sharks) by means of a suction cup on its head. It eats external parasites off the shark. The remora gets a free meal and the shark gets rid of its parasites.

Which show symbiotic relationship?

some of the animals that show symbiotic relations are.....shark and pilot fish......remora and shark......e.coli and human.....then helicobacter pyroli to human. Also Truffles and Trees.

What is the symbiotic relationship between the shark and the remora?

Remoras attach themselves to the shark and eat the leftover food remains that they can find. This would fall into the commensalism symbiotic relationship, because the remora is getting its food, and the shark gets no benefit. There are other studies that suggest that the remoras clean parasites from the shark's teeth and perhaps skin. If this is true then it is a mutualism relationship. Remoras eat the parasites off the underside of the shark to keep it healthy and alive. Plus the Remoras get a free meal and protection. A mutualistic symbiotic relationship. the pilot fish clean the shark's teeth and skin, and the shark protects them The remora fish attach to the shark's belly and eat the malignant parasites off it. Also remoras can stick to other organisms such as whales, other big fish and maybe also crocodiles. This would still fall into the category of commensalism.

Species that live and interact in an area?

You mean, having a symbiotic relationship, right? First thing in my mind is the SHARK and the REMORA fish.

What is the symbiotic of an remora and shark?


What are Any Symbiotic relationship the great white shark is involved in or could be involved in?

I was told lamprey hang around most types of sharks

Do aligators have friend?

As a matter of fact, Yes they do. Pilot Fish, shark sucker fish or Remora have a symbiotic relationship. The smaller fish get food and the shark gets cleaned.

How do the remora suck onto the shark and breathe?

The remora sucks on to the shark using a pad on its back like a suction cup. It can breathe because as the shark swims through the water it pushes the water through the remora's gills. Which lets it absorb the oxygen out of the water to breathe.

What symbiotic relationships does the Bull Shark have?

The Bull Shark has a Commercialism Relationship with the Remora. A small fish which is often seen swimming with or suctioned onto the shark. The shark recieves no benefit to this but it is believe that the Remora feeds on the scraps of the sharks meals and or feeds on the sharks feces. -Cheers!

What are the symbiotic relationships of finding nemo?

Biotic factors in an environment are the living organisms. Such as animals and plants. Water, temperature, and rock are examples of abiotic factors. Some examples of biotic factors in "Finding Nemo" are the fish, sharks, plants, and living coral.