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you could vomit for hours

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Dont eat it

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Q: What happens if your allergic to shell fish?
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When giving blood why do they ask you are you allergic to shell fish?

Because if you are allergic to shellfish you most likely are allergic to iodine or betadine which is what they use to prep your arm with when they draw your blood.

If your allgeric to shell fish can you eat fish?

There are people who can eat fish but who are allergic to shellfish, though that is not a guarantee eating fish is ok for any given individual.

WHAT ARE characteristics of shell fish?

it is a fish in shell

Can fish eat peanut butter sandwiches?

No people can not catch fish in pesnut butter

What is Ariana Grande allergic too?

She might be allergic to Shellfish almost all women in her family are (she won't risk it), Bananas, some medicines, and not cats (emotions video).she is allergic to shellfish and she is hypoglycemic but i dont think that counts as a food allergy

Is fish food is killing the fish?

No it isn't unless your fish is allergic to something in it.

What are the feeding habits of a cone shell fish?

the shell fish eat reef rocks

What kind of fish is bream. Please you need to know as you are allergic to certain fishes?

It is a fish that swims and if you are allergic to any type of fish then just don't eat any type of fish

Do fish have a shell?


Do fish have shell?


Are Betta fish allergic to Amethyst rock?

No, I had it in my fish bowl too, it's fine I don't think they're allergic to any rock.

What happens if you eat raisins if you are allergic to them?

If you are really allergic then you should NOT eat them. Don't you understand what "allergic" means .