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Katniss and Peeta learn how to camouflage, tie knots, shoot arrows, and throw knives.

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Q: What are some of the skills that district tributes learn during training?
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What are some skills that district 12 tributes learn during training?


What are some skills that District 12 learn during training.?


What is katniss' initial assessment of how she stands versus the other tributes?

The assessment is usually the opinion of the Gamemakers who have observed the tributes' training since Day 1. The Gamemakers decide the assessment number based on how they think that particular tribute has advanced in their skills

What are Career Tributes and how are they threat?

Career tributes are tributes from Districts 1 and 2 (and 4 in the book, but not in the movie) They have trained for the games their whole lives, even though it is illegal, however they are favoured by the Capitol and so are not punished. The fact they have trained gives them the upper hand and so they usually win. They wait until they are 17 or 18 and then volunteer at the Reapings as they have a very high chance of winning the games. They are a threat to the other, less well-off tributes as they have skills that they have perfected over many years.

Why do the judges give the tributes a score before the Hunger Games begin?

They judge the tributes because they want to see which one is sexier and what skills they have to give when they do it.

What do the the scores the game makers give the tributes mean?

It mean's that when each tribute goes into their private training with the gamemakers,they all get a score between 1-12 on their skills like:arrow shooting,knife throwing etc.!

What does Haymitch demand of the District 12 Tributes in public Why do you think he wants them to act like this?

In the simplest sense, they show him that they are some of the first tributes from district twelve that actually have physical skills and are capable of winning the games. Haymitch then believes they have a chance to be victorious.

What is training skills?

Training skills is coaching skills. Imparting learning using various training methods. some of the common training skills include: good domain knowledge communication skills pronunciation skills stage presence

What do the scores the game makers giver the tributes mean?

The scores given by the game makers to the tributes represent their perceived skills, strengths, and potential to survive in the Hunger Games arena. Higher scores indicate that the tribute is considered more capable and likely to be a formidable opponent. These scores can influence how sponsors and other tributes perceive the competitors and impact the strategies they employ during the games.

What provides leaders an opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge gained during institutional training to the requirements of their assigned duty position?

Operational Assignments provide leaders an opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge gained during institutional training to the requirements of their assigned duty position.

How study skills support learning during training?

you don't need an education to be able to do the simpilest of things therefore, study skills dont support your learning

What weapon did each tribute get in the hunger games?

The weapons they got depended on what their best skills were and the skills they demonstrated while being observed in the training arena. Sometimes, the weapons he or she got depended on what District that person was in. For example, in Catching Fire, Finnick got a trident because he's from District 4 and their primary "resource" is fishing