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No. The stratosphere starts between 8 to 10km above the Earth's surface (varying with latitude) and ends at around 50Km, where the mesosphere starts.

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maybe 50 kilometes

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Q: How many kilometers is the stratosphere from the earth surface?
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Where does the stratosphere begin?

The stratosphere is one of many layers in the atmosphere on Earth. It begins at 10 kilometers (8 to14.5 miles) and ends at 50 kilometers high (about 30 miles).

How many kilometers above the earth is the thermosphere?

it is about 500-650 kilometers above earth's surface.

How many kilometers is it from the surface to the center of earth?

The earth's diameter is about 12,600km, so half that would be 6,300km from the surface to the core.

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6370 kilometres from surface to centre.

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The earth has only one ozone layer. It is present in the stratosphere.

How many kilometers is the boundary of biosphere below the earths surface and above the esrths surface?

32 kilometers

How many kilometers to the center of the earth?

That would be the radius of the earth which is:6,378.1 kilometers

How many miles to the ozone?

There are five layers of atmosphere that protect the earth from the sun and other space debris. The thickest layers are located near the surface and thins out with height until it merges with the bare space. The five surface from the surface to earth; troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere , and exosphere respectively. The Stratosphere is where the ozone layer is formed with just about 3 millimeters thick and 20 km above the earth surface.

How many hectares are available for each human on the earth?

Here is how you can figure this out.1) Decide whether you are interested about total surface, or only land surface. 2) Look up the total surface of the Earth, or the land surface, depending on the answer to question 1. This will usually be given in square kilometers, and sometimes also in square miles. 3) Use the square kilometers for this problem. Multiply it by 100, to get hectares. 4) Divide this number of hectares by the number of people on Earth.

Earth atmosphhere extends about how many miles in kilometers?

It extends about 372 miles above the Earth's surface.