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Bacterial vaginosis isn't an infection in the true sense of the word; it's when there is an imbalance of the normal bacteria that should be found in the vagina, and an overgrowth of bacteria that are normally found in low numbers. Your partner can't "catch" it. There is no evidence that treating a partner prevents recurrence in the patient.

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There is no advantage in men taking antibiotics if their female partner has bacterial vaginosis. BV is not spread by sex, and treating male partners does not decrease the risk of recurrence. If your partner is female, she can get treated if she has symptoms.

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Q: Bacterial vaginosis should your partner take antibiotics too?
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Can you drink taking antibiotics for yeast and bacterial vaginosis?

You should not drink alcohol while taking antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis without checking with your pharmacist first. If you drink alcohol while taking metronidazole (Flagyl) you could experience severe nausea and vomiting. There are no problems with alcohol and yeast medication.

How bacterial vaginosis could be contracted and treated?

Yes, you can and should treat trichomoniasis when you're pregnant; however, if your are near delivery, it may be safer to delay treatment.

How can you treat excessive vaginal secretion?

Excessive vaginal discharge would be a symptom of a vaginal infection, most likely Bacterial Vaginosis, or may be an STI/STD. First you should go to your doctor or sexual health clinic to get tested, once you know what you're dealing with your doctor can give you treatment - Bacterial Vaginosis is the mmostlikely culprit, this requires antibiotics to treat.

When do you become sterile if you have Bacterial Vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis does not normally cause infertility. Rarely, it can lead to PID. If you had BV, no matter how long, you should certainly assume that you are able to get pregnant.

Can the same infection that causes bacterial vaginosis spread to your mouth and eyes?

No, bacterial vaginosis can't spread to your mouth, eyes, or any other body part. Bacterial vaginosis isn't an infection in the true sense of the word; it's when there is an imbalance of the normal bacteria that should be found in the vagina, and an overgrowth of bacteria that are normally found in low numbers.

How does bacterial vaginosis affect pregnancy?

Yes. And see a doctor.Yes of course you can. A spermicide isn't used as treatment, it doesn't stop ovulation either. I'm not sure why your man would be wanting to have sex while you have a foul odour and bacterial overgrowth going on though. He needs to wear a condom either way.Bacterial vaginosis is a condition in women where the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted and replaced by an overgrowth of certain bacteria. It is sometimes accompanied by discharge, odor, pain, itching, or burning. Unpleasant it may be, but yes, you can still get pregnant. Bacterial Vaginosis does not prevent pregnancy, it does not retard pregnancy, and do not consider it any form of pregnancy protection.

Can you use white vinegar for bacterial vaginosis?

You should not douche as a treatment for bacterial vaginosis. Women who douche get BV more often than women who don't douche. The bacteria of your vagina need to come back into balance; don't run the risk of killing of more of the protective bacteria in your vagina.

Is there a reason that a person would keep getting bacterial vaginosis if anitbiotics cure it for a few days but then it comes right back?

Bacterial Vaginosis is not considered to be a sexually transmitted disease but is is seldom seen in monogomous relationships. Sometimes it is necessary to treat both partners or all three, in order to eradicate the infection. Make sure your partner is not having sex with someone else since multiple sexual partners is one of the risk factors for this infection.Yes, it is really normal for a person keep getting BV, even if he has used antibiotics to cure it. And it is really common for BV come back if you use antibiotics as the treatment. For antibiotics couldn't permeate into the root of BV, it couldn't cure BV completely. The symptoms are easy to return after you take antibiotics.Maybe you could try an more effective way, like herbal medicine FUYAN Pill, whichhas been proven effective on cure BV with low recurrence rate by clinic cases.And if you still have any questions, you could consult online doctors, like Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic.

Should you try baking powder to cure your bacterial vaginosis?

No. Please do not attempt to cure any condition or disease you think you may have at home! See a physician, or consulting online doctors, like Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic.And if you want to try natural treatment to cure your bacterial vaginosis, you could take herbal medicine FUYAN PILL. It is made from natural herbs and it is as safe as the food we eat. It could clear away symptoms of bacterial vaginosis with low recur.

Can bacterial vaginosis turn into trichomoniasis if left untreated for too long?

Bacterial vaginosis can't turn into trichomoniasis, but trichomoniasis always causes bacterial vaginosis. Many women with recurrent BV have trich and don't know it, since BV is more easily diagnosed than trich. To diagnose trichomoniasis, the health care provider must look at the vaginal discharge immediately under the microscope, or needs to use a special trichomoniasis swab.

Can you retake a presciprtion for bacterial vaginosis if you think you have it again?

If you think you have BV again shortly after taking antibiotics, you are in good company. Half of women treated for BV have symptoms again within six weeks. But you should be rechecked by your health care provider. Make sure you were screened for trichomoniasis and other STDs. If retreatment is needed, you can get a new prescription.

Is bacterial vaginosis contagious?

A man does not technically pass BV to his partner. A man can contribute to the condition, as the sperm pH is higher than the vaginal pH. Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the "good bacteria" in the vagina die off and other bacteria "take over." It's not spread by sex, and treating the woman's partner, whether male or female, does not affect the outcome or chance of recurrence.