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Sperm into mouth will not get you pregnant, only sperm into vagina can do that.

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12y ago

No, oral sex can not make you pregnant. It has to go through the vagina. There is no link between the stomach and the fallopian tubes.

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Q: Can sperm goes through mouth causes pregnancy?
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Can sperm goes through mouth will cause a pregnancy?

No. Sperm the mouth will not get you pregnant .answerNo. There is no relation of your mouth to your reprodictive system. Even if there was, the hydrochloric acid in your stomach would kill the sperm.

Can sperm entering from mouth lead to pregnancy or stooping period?

Oral consumption of sperm will not lead to pregnancy because the sperm will never reach the egg.

Why do girls like to take sperm in their mouth?

This can be consdiered a form of birth control. Sperm in the mouth does not cause pregnancy. Sperm elsewhere can. Keep the sperm where it will do the least harm.

If a girl gives a guy head and he release in her mouth does it mean. The girl is pregnant?

No, pregnancy only occurs when the sperm enters the woman's body through vagina, not the mouth. If sperm comes trough the mouth, it will lead to her digestive system, so it won't make you pregnant.

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Does sucking breasts cause pregnancy?

What?! Of course not unless your sperm magically comes in your mouth through her breasts and then somehow fertilizes the egg which is sealed and safe. No

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Not unless you can transfer sperm from your mouth down into her eggs.

Can you get pragnent after getting spurm from your mouth?

Pregnancy cannot occur due to ingesting sperm.

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The male releases sperm through its mouth into the water column. The sperm swims into the mouth of the female where fertilization occurs.

How are sea anemons born?

sperm is released by male sea anemone to female sea anemone sperm from male is released through the mouth eggs from female are also released through the mouth into the water

Can the absence of sperm cause pregnancy?

No, sperm are required for pregnancy.

Can sperm come from mouth to make a girl pregnant after kising?

It would be theoretically possible, though highly unlikely to cause pregnancy.