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Not within one day of conception, no. Pregnancy symptoms cannot start until the embryo has implanted and pregnancy hormones are being produced. This takes at least a week to 10 days from conception.

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18y ago
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16y ago

Well,as early as 2 weeks.Every woman has their oown way but i think u should wait till u miss ur period before thinking that.

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15y ago

Next to Impossible. It takes at least a week before u can actually get any symptoms.

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15y ago

Yes, buy a pregnancy test. the result shows up in minutes.

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13y ago

No, that would be too early. The earliest pregnancy symptoms would occur is 2 weeks after sex

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Q: Can you know your pregnant in one day?
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Congratulations!! The day you got pregnant would be sometime in December.

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No, the hCG levels are unlikely to be high enough to detect one day after implantation. What makes you think you know when implantation happened?

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A girl can get pregnant any day if she's not using protection.

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If your spotting one day, then get your period the next day, that would indicate that your are NOT pregnant...

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