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Measles is a very contagious viral infection that causes a rash all over your body. Measles can lead to serious health problems such as pneumonia, and in rare cases, it can cause seizures or meningitis. If you experience symptoms like rash, coughing, and seizures, you will have to consult a doctor.

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Q: How do i know for sure if i have the measles?
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Rubella is know as?

German Measles.

What type of organism causes measles?

Normal measles is caused by the Rubeola virus. You most likely got vaccinated for it as a child - it's a part of the MMR (measles mumps rubella) vaccine. Make sure not to confuse Rubeola (normal measles) with Rubella (German measles) as they're slightly different viruses :)Does anybody know because I really need to know for my science stuff and I don't have a clue! Help please. Many Thanks.chocolate

Can you get blisters with German measles?

you can in measles you can in measles

Which vaccine-preventable disease had an outbreak in 2008?

measlesI'm not 100% sure, but I believe it was measles.

What is the singular of measles?

The singular of "measles" is "measles." The word does not change whether it is singular or plural.

Is measles an deficiency disease?

Measles is not a deficiency disease. Measles is caused by measles virus. This is an infectious disease.

What is the plural form of measles?

Measles is the plural form of the disease measles.

How do you use the word measles in a sentence?

We had to cancel the party because she had measles. Measles is not something fun to have. He was sick with measles.

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Grrman measles toxoplasma Grrman measles toxoplasma Grrman measles toxoplasma Grrman measles toxoplasma Grrman measles toxoplasma Grrman measles toxoplasma

How many times can you get shingles?

i have heard it said that you can have measles twice, but both a family member and i have had the measles 5 times. i don't know if you can have it more than 5 times.

What is the biological name for measles?

The biological name for Measles is Rubeola.Rubella is 'German Measles'.

What is the definition for measles outbreak?

i don't know what "defination" means... maybe you meant "definition"?