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NO! Body piercing should be performed by a qualified piercer in a clean environment. You should use a piercer or shop that is an APP member Association of Professional Piercers.

You do not want to do damage to your body or risk infection so seek the expertize of a fully trained and qualified piercer.

Think about it for a moment, after scanning through this site and seeing time and time again how professional body piercers keep telling people not to do there own piercings for so many reasons, all of which being the simple fact you don't know what you are doing. That next to the obvious one of disinfection, sterilization, proper placement, the right materials for the jewellery, the right equipment to actually do the piercing and last but not least the knowledge and skill to do it correctly.

Here's what you get when you have it done by a professional body piercer:

  1. Correct jewellery for the piercing (you get to choose what you would like).
  2. Correctly placed piercing.
  3. Correctly done piercing ( in licensed and inspected facility ).
  4. Done by a trained piercer ( trained and experienced in doing piercing ).
  5. Detailed aftercare instructions (how to care for it properly ).
  6. Aftercare support ( if you have issues you can go back for help ).

What do you get when you attempt to do it at home:

  1. Who knows what for jewellery (it won't be properly sized).
  2. It won't be placed correctly, lop sided, crooked, too shallow, too deep.
  3. Improperly done (dirty technique, unsterile materials and method).
  4. Probable infection, allergic reaction, scarring, swelling.
  5. No clue of how to care for it properly because it wasn't done properly.
  6. No support for healing issues, no one will help without charging for service.
  7. A piercing that will reject due to the way you pierced the tissue.
  8. Painful and uncomfortable piercing due to bruising.
  9. How your friends will react to you damaging yourself.

So if that isn't enough to sway you from doing it yourself think about this, blood poisoning and infections can set in to a piercing, they take time to show up but when they do it will be very painful. Common sense was given to every one, you choice is to use it or not, use common sense and get it done correctly.

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14y ago
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12y ago

You should never pierce your own belly button - it could get infected due to non-sterile needles and jewelry and you can even die from these infections. It's best to go to a professional tattoo shop, and get pierced there when you're of age/with your parents/guardians. Just wait until you can legally get pierced! It's not a big deal.

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14y ago

ew. you prob could but why would you want to?

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You can pierce your belly button anywhere you please really, talk to your piercer and they will let you know what your anatomy allows for.

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14 ga.

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To hang in the Air Freshener!

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I don't know so i think it is no but you can pierce your belly button.

How do you pierce you belly button at home?

Don't unless you want septisemia