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Normal human body temperature, also known as normothermia or euthermia, is a concept that depends upon the place in the body at which the measurement is made, and the time of day and level of activity of the body. Although the value 37.0 C (98.6 F) is the commonly accepted average core body temperature, the value of 36.8±0.7 °C, or 98.2±1.3 °F is an average oral (mouth under the tongue) measurement. Rectal measurements, or measurements taken directly inside the body cavity, are typically slightly higher.

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14y ago
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12y ago

The normal core body temperature of a healthy, resting adult human being is stated to be at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37.0 degrees celsius. Though the body temperature measured on an individual can vary, a healthy human body can maintain a fairly consistent body temperature that is around the mark of 37.0 degrees celsius.

The normal range of human body temperature varies due to an individuals metabolism rate, the higher (faster) it is the higher the normal body temperature or the slower the metabolic rate the lower the normal body temperature. Other factors that might affect the body temperature of an individual may be the time of day or the part of the body in which the temperature is measured at. The body temperature is lower in the morning, due to the rest the body received, and higher at night after a day of muscular activity and after food intake.

Body temperature also varies at different parts of the body. Oral temperatures, which are the most convenient type of temperature measurement, is at 37.0 °C. This is the accepted standard temperature for the normal core body temperature. Axillary temperatures are an external measurement taken in the armpit or between two folds of skin on the body. This is the longest and most inaccurate way of measuring body temperature, the normal temperature falls at 97.6 °F or 36.4 °C. Rectal temperatures are an internal measurement taken in the rectum, which fall at 99.6 °F or 37.6 °C. It is the least time consuming and most accurate type of body temperature measurement, being an internal measurement. But it is definitely, by far, not the most comfortable method to measure the body temperature of an individual.

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8y ago

Before you get worried, I would not. Average body temperature is between 97-98 degrees F. not everyone's normal body temperature is 98.6, it is just considered the most average of all temperatures. This is merely half a degree lower. Now, if your body temperature is lower than 94 or so, then this is a time to get worried and consult a doctor. something will most likely be wrong.

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15y ago

No. Some people are naturally cooler. 80 is dangerous and have a medical problem

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9y ago

A low body temperature of 96.6, yet you're feeling really hot, could mean that you are getting sick. It could also mean your body is experiencing shock.

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15y ago

yes, normal temperature range from 96.8 -1004

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8y ago

The average body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit

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12y ago

it isn't too good...

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12y ago


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4y ago

is 96.6 a fever

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