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Yes it safe, i am 6 weeks pregnant and my doctor prescribed it.

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Q: While pregnant is it safe to take tioconazole ointment for a yeast infection?
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See your doctor ASAP! If you have a bladder infection it can be very dangerous as pregnant.

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Apply a topical ointment like abreva regularly to the cold sore. If it's a sever break out then you can take antiviral medication, valtrex is safe to take while you're pregnant.

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Yes, pregnant women are susceptible to yeast infections caused by hormonal changes. And yes you can still get pregnant while you have an infection.

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You would probably be beter of waiting just in case you score an infection

Can you get tongue pierced when preqnant?

Yes but I wouldn't. Anytime you get a piercing there's a chance of infection and you really don't want an infection while you're pregnant.

Do it matter if i get a tattoo in a different place while I'm pregnant?

It would be a bad idea to get any tattoo while pregnant due to the risk of infection. Most tattoo artists will refuse to tattoo a pregnant woman for this very reason.

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Doucheing while pregnant is a very bad idea. This can cause serious infection to the vaginal area, including the cervix, which can inturn, be harmful to you're unborn baby.

Why is your tongue stinging burning while im pregnant?

Go see your doctor because it sounds like a fungal infection. It's quite common when pregnant.

Can you get a yeast infection while you are pregnant?

A yeast infection is not a symptom of pregnancy but is something some women experience, pregnant or not. If you've had sex you could be pregnant, a pregnancy test is the best way to determine if you are pregnant.