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At the time of diagnosis, patients are often fatigued, with fever, abdominal pain, and loss of appetite. They may look emaciated and generally ill.

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In patients with jaundice, the whites of the eyes and the skin may turn yellow, and the urine becomes dark-colored.

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Q: What are common symptoms of liver cancer patients at the time of diagnosis?
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What percentage of people have a colostomy?

Although colorectal cancer is the most common indication for a permanent colostomy, only about 10-15% of patients with this diagnosis require a colostomy.

Why does ovarian cancer have a poor prognosis?

Ovarian cancer does not produce specific symptoms that would clue doctors to this diagnosis. Most common symptoms include malaise, weakness, bloating, vague abdominal discomfort. There are no good blood markers that can diagnose ovarian cancer. Therefore, it is difficult to screen for ovarian cancer. By the time symptoms develop, quite often ovarian cancer can already be spread and metastasized.

What are the rectal cancer symptoms?

Rectal cancer can exist with little or no symptoms. Symptoms are more common in later stages. They can include blood in the stool, thin stool, a feeling of pressure or fullness in the rectum, and fatigue. Keep in mind that different people can present different symptoms at different times. It is important to see your doctor for diagnosis of any disease.

Are there common symptoms of thyroid cancer that I should look into?

There are several common symptoms associated with thyroid cancer. A lump in your neck, voice hoarseness, swollen lymph nodes, difficulty breathing, and pains in the neck are five common symptoms.

What cancer may require a colostomy?

Although colorectal cancer is the most common indication for a permanent colostomy, only about 10-15% of patients with this diagnosis require a colostomy.

Does everyone with colorectal cancer have to have a colostomy?

Some patients with colostomies are able to routinely irrigate the stoma, resulting in regulation of bowel function; rather than needing to wear a pouch, these patients may need only a dressing or cap over their stoma.

Do swollen and chapped lips relate to pancreatic cancer?

i have seen patients with pancreatic cancer with this condition, yes but usually it is a more common issue, such as a food allergy or salivary gland infection. With pancreatic cancer u have other symptoms aswell, tiredness, weightloss, vomiting, fever, swollen lymph nodes. If its just swollen lip without any other symptoms than it is probably a food allergy or salivary gland infection. This is not a diagnosis and you should consult your physician if you are worried, it is probably something that is not serious but see your doctor just to be sure.

Where can I find a list of the common symptoms of uterine cancer?

The most common of the uterine cancer symptoms is abnormal bleeding. There are many medical websites devoted to uterine cancer symptoms and diet diet advice. Early detection is crucial so a visit to a medical professional is advisable.

What are the early symptoms for uterine cancer or cancer of the uterus?

Common symptoms of uterine cancer (also known as endometrial cancer) are: abnormal bleeding, pain during urination, pain in the pelvic area, and/or pain during sex.

What is one of the most common methods of diagnosis?

One of the most common methods of diagnosis is physical examination by a healthcare provider. This involves assessing a patient's body for signs and symptoms of illness or injury. It is often the first step in determining a diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of esophagus cancer?

One of the most common symptoms of esophageal cancer is difficulty swallowing, also known as dysphagia. Other common esophageal cancer symptoms may include:Reflux symptomsAbdominal painPain or burning in the throat or chestUnexplained weight lossHeartburn or indigestionVomitingChronic hiccupsChronic coughFatigueFrequent choking while eating food

What is the symptom of cancer?

Cancer can have any number of symptoms depending on the type of cancer that you have. Fatigue is the most common general symptom.