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1. Voice becomes deeper and will eventually 'break'. 2. Growth (he will increase in height and body size). 3. Facial hair will grow. 4. Hair will grow under the arms and also around the groin. 5. Shoulders will become wider. Please note: the above changes may not necessarily happen in that particular order.

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15y ago
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14y ago

first, the physical stuff. you should expect him to grow much taller. he will also proably grow hair in various places (face, chest, under arms, pubic areas). this means that he might have to start shaving. next, emotional/behavioral. he will probably want more space to be independent. give him some room, but still have some boundaries. dont do things like checking his things unless absolutely necessary, because that gives him the impression that you think he would do something wrong. even if he is doing something wrong, it will still offend him. also, give him the dreaded "sex talk". when experiencing puberty, males have an increased sexual drive, making them want to have sex. its good to explain sex to him before he gets too far into puberty, and makes a mistake. relating to having an increased sexual drive, he may get girlfriend (or boyfriend, i dont judge), so be prepared for that. also, he may start to masturbate. this is actually something that is good, because it helps him to suppress his desire for sex. next, he will probably gain a lot of muscle, so he may join sports or start to work out. next is mental. he will have mood swings, so try not to force rules or box him in. give him some more privelages. it helps to reduce the mood swings.

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13y ago

When a male goes through puberty he will develop hair in his genital region, his voice becomes deeper and his penis and testicles will grow along with anything else. You may develop sexual urges from time to time and may have erections or ejaculate, this will happen anywhere from ages 11-20.

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14y ago

Hair growth, voice breaking, growing taller, more muscle mass, erections, wet dreams, increased interest in appearance, mood swings.

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14y ago

deepening of voice, facial hair, attitude change, pubic hair, growth spurt

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10y ago

There are many signs that a boy is going through puberty. Some of the more recognizable signs are voice changing and the appearance of facial hair.

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13y ago

Hair growing around the penis and under the arms. the penis getting bigger. The testicles dropping, the production of sperm and the tendency to be sexually aroused most of the time.

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11y ago

Boys usually reach puberty at the age of 12-13. If he starts growing in height and also if small hair start growing on his face, hen the boy has reached puberty.

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How do you know you are going t oget puberty very soon for your firs ttime?

Before I say anything else, just note; you only go through puberty once in your life. The first signs of puberty are you growing taller and starting to grow pubic hair. Although it may not be very noticeable at first, there are some subtle signs that you can notice.

What are some signs that tell you if a child is going to hit puberty early or late?

you cant really tell. it just hits them when it hits them. the most you can do is watch them and see when they are staring to go through puberty. the earliest and latest times most kids usually start to go through puberty is between 12 and 16 years of age

You have some signs of puberty but nothings changing what do you do?

Wait. If you have some signs of Puberty then things are changing. It all happens slowly over a few years, not overnight.

Why are you not going through puberty?

Everyone goes through puberty to become an adult. You may not notice the changes as they happen. It is not usually painful but just awkward for some. Puberty can start anywhere between 10 and 16-years-old.

Can someone not go through puberty?

Reasons for not going through puberty (for a boy) would include damage to the testes as the result of an illness or an accident or the removal of the testes (castration).

I am 15 you have some pubic hair but not a lot and my voice has got slightly deeper am i going through puberty and when will i get more pubic hair?

you certainly are going through puberty, just a little more patience (which is difficult) all will be well in a few more months!!

Will someone always go through puberty?

Yes, everyone goes through puberty . Some go through it at an early age some at later age. Some have accelerated puberty some have a more slow one.

Why do some people experience different secodary signs of puberty?

Puberty can affect different people in completely different ways. Due to the amount of changes going on in the body (both physically and mentally), people can display different reactions.

Might timing of maturation be considered a risk for unsafe sexual practices for adolescents?

Do you mean 'Is it safe for boys going through puberty to masturbate?' If you mean that, than yes, those going through puberty can be safely sexually active, although some may not have semen.

Why is it5 that some girls are still 13 going on 14 and havent started puberty?

It's almost always genetic. Ask your parents when they went through puberty. You can expect to go through it within a year or two of the same age. If you and your parents think you have a hormone problem preventing you from going through puberty, a G.P. or pediatrician can run tests to see if there is a reason for concern.

Does puberty happen fast?

Puberty happens at its own pace. Everyone goes through puberty at their own pace. Some go through it fast. Some slow.

What are some good acne treatments for girls that are going through puberty?

Try mixing melted aspirin with honey. It works with me!