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what kind of infection can cause a swollen lymph node in the left breast

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Nobody knows what causes cancer, but swelling isn't likely to be a cause. Swollen glands are a symptom of infection, not a cause of anything.

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Q: Can breast cancer be caused by swollen lymph nodes?
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Can you drink alcohol when lymph nodes are swollen?

Swollen lymph nodes are caused by inflammation, infection or cancer. You cannot drink alcohol when your lymph nodes are swollen because it contributes to the pain.

How is breast cancer caused?

Breast cancer is caused by cells that lose control over how fast they replicate. Cancer cells divide quickly and rapidly, and they can invade surrounding tissues. Cancer cells can also travel to lymph nodes and to other sites in the body.

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I have breast cancer and i have to have my lymph nodes removed is there a hospital stay?

If you have breast cancer and you just had your lymph nodes removed, a hospital stay is very important.

What are the significance of enlarged lymph nodes connected to breast cancer?

The significance of enlarged lymph nodes connected to breast cancer is that when these lymph nodes get enlarged by either cancerous cells or other problems, it may be felt at breast examination.

Do swollen lymph nodes cause cancer?

Cellular damage and genetic factors influence the formation of cancer. Swollen lymph nodes may be a reaction to cancer, or it may be a reaction to an infection. Also, rarely, lymph nodes can get infected themselves, though a swollen lymph node generally means an immune system response to another condition. A lymph node that becomes swollen often should be checked by a doctor, as it might be an infection that your body is having difficulty eliminating.

How can breast cancer spread to axilla?

The first station for the spread of breast cancer is the lymph nodes in the axilla then to the lymph nodes in the neck. If a patient has a biopsy it is not uncommon to have a test on the lymphnodes there.

What are the most common sites for mestastic breast cancer?

Breast cancer most commonly metastasises first to lymph nodes in the axilla of the same side as the affected breast. In more advanced disease, the cancer commonly metastasises to lymph nodes in other regions, to bone, to the liver, and/or to the lungs, and later possibly also to the contralateral breast and to other organs. When there is no evident lymph node metastasis or distant metastasis, the sentinel node may be examined to confirm absence of axillary lymph node metastasis. The lymph nodes in the axilla drain fluid (lymph) from the breast by interconnecting lymph vessels, and the "sentinel node" is the first node to receive lymph from the particular tumour. If there is no tumour in the sentinel node (and no signs of metastasis to other sites), breast cancer has a very good chance of cure after treatment.

What are the signs of breast cancer in stage 2?

The different stages of breast cancer refer to how far the cancerous tumor has spread in the body. In Stage 2, the cancer is still relatively small and contained in the breast. It may or may not have reached the lymph nodes.

What causes swollen lymph nodes above the left clavicle?

The left Supraclavicular lymph node, also known as Virchow's node, swells for many reasons. It can be from a bacterial or viral infection of the arms, lungs, neck, abdomen and breasts or can be an early warning sign of cancer. Either way, it is always best to consult a doctor immediately for treatment.

What if you have one hot swollen breast?

One hot swollen breast can possibly be mastitis, a benign breast infection, BUT if one round of antibiotics does not help, insist on a skin or punch biopsy to rule out IBC. Symptoms of Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) may include redness, swelling, and warmth in the breast, often without a distinct lump in the breast. The redness and warmth are caused by cancer cells blocking the lymph vessels in the skin. The skin of the breast may also appear pink, reddish purple, or bruised. The skin may also have ridges or appear pitted, like the skin of an orange (called peau d'orange), which is caused by a buildup of fluid and edema (swelling) in the breast. Other symptoms include heaviness, burning, aching, increase in breast size, tenderness, or a nipple that is inverted (facing inward) (3). These symptoms usually develop quickly—over night or over a period of weeks. Swollen lymph nodes may also be present under the arm, above the collarbone, or in both places. However, it is important to note that these symptoms may also be signs of other conditions such as infection, injury, or other types of cancer (1). You should see a doctor to rule out IBC.