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An Electrocardiogram of a single heart beat shows three distinct waves. These are the P, QRS and T Waves.

The QRS wave (normally the largest spike) in the electrocardiogram, is that of the ventricles depolarizing and contracting.

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11y ago

Ventricular depolarization

It is also the atrial repolarization

The ventricular depolarization is so strong that it hides the atrial repolarization

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ventricular depolarization

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ventricular depolarization

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depolarization of the ventricles

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Q: The QRS complex in an electrocardiogram results from?
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What is an electrocardiogram's QRS pattern?

QRS-- A pattern seen in an electrocardiogram that indicates the pulses in a heart beat and their duration. Variations from a normal QRS pattern indicate heart disease.

What is it called when there are no QRS waves following p waves?

The QRS complex and the P wave are features of the electrocardiogram, which graphically displays the electrical activity of the heart. The P wave is generated when the atria, or upper chambers of the heart contract. The QRS complex is generated when the ventricles or lower chambers of the heart contract. If there is a P wave but no QRS, the the heart's main pump is not functioning. This would cause death quickly.

What does the normal QRS complex measure?

does a normal qrs complex measures <.12

What does QRS complex represents?

The ventricles contracting.

When does a QRS complex occurs?

When ventricles depolarize

What is QRS in ECG?

The QRS complex on an ECG represents ventricular depolarisation. This wave should have the greatest amplitude.

What is the normal calibration for a EKG?

An abnormal ECG is when the electrocardiogram shows results outside the norm. These results are usually indicative of problems in the heart, such as enlargement, higher potassium or sodium levels, damage, and inflammation.

Complex that occurs as a result of depolarization of the ventricles?


How is ventricular systole indicated on an EKG?

QRS complex

What part of an ECG represents ventricular depolarization?

Okay so an EKG show the electrical impulse that travels through the heart. What I mean is EKG don't show contraction. However the QRS complex represent ventricular depolarization, which signals ventricular contraction

The qrs complex corresponds to depolarization of the muscle fibers of the?

The QRS complex corresponds to the depolarization of the ventricles in the heart. It represents the spread of the electrical signal that initiates the contraction of the ventricles. This is a critical step in the cardiac cycle that leads to the pumping of blood out of the heart.

What does it mean when pacemaker spikes after qrs complex?

Atrial paced