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First Response is a good test, but you can buy any off brand they work pretty well.

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15y ago
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12y ago

That doesnt make sense lol. Almost any pregnancy test from a drug store will work perfectly fine. Try clear blue or First Response.

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How long after intercourse could you take a pregnancy test?

You should take a pregnancy test shortly after your missed period. That is when a home pregnancy test is most effective. Although I have heard you can do a blood test at the doctor as soon as 2 weeks before your missed period.

When can you take a pregnancy test how soon?

you can take a pregnancy test whenever you please. if you take it anytime after your missed period though, your test will turn out more effective.

Can you fail an at home pregnancy test and still be pregnant?

Yes, if you didn't take the test at the right time or followed the directions correctly the test could come up negative. It's most effective to take a pregnancy test the day before your missed period. Wait a week and then take the test again. Or go to the doctor for the most accurate answer.

In what week of pregnancy can a pregnancy test be effective?

A pregnancy test can detect the pregnancy hormone 7-14 days after conception, because most women do not ovulate until two weeks before your period is supposed to start. It is useless to take a test within five days of your missed period.

Is it effective if you used the pregnancy test twice?

No, a HPT is meant for single use only.

When you have to take pregnancy test?

Most women, like myself, take a pregnancy test on the day of their missed period.

How likely is it that a pregnancy test is wrong showing symptoms no period negative test?

Most pregnancy tests are 99%

How many days should you wait to test for pregnancy with IUD?

IUDs are among the most effective methods of birth control. There is normally no cause to take a pregnancy test. With or without the IUD pregnancy tests detect pregnancy from sex that happened 10 to 12 days earlier.

Can urine from toilet affect a pregnancy test?

For the most accurate results, the only urine that should touch the pregnancy test should be you.

Are you pregnant you have headach everyday and im on depo?

Headache is not a sign of pregnancy. Depo is a highly effective method. If you think you could be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

Is four days too soon to test for pregnancy?

Yes. If you are pregnant you will be likely to get a false negative. Most women will test positive with a home pregnancy test at around 3 to 6 weeks of pregnancy.

Can you have a false pregnancy test with tubal pregnancy?

Most definitely, yes, you can have a false pregnancy test with tubal pregnancy. Hormones only know an egg implanted. Hormones do not know where the egg implanted.