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There are a couple different things that can be made from marijuana! First off, there is hash (refined marijuana with a higher % of THC) Thc is the active ingredient in marijuana. There is also hash oil, butter, cookies, brownies.... The list goes on! Anythings possible with sweet Mary Jane

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Q: A drug that is made from marijuana that has stronger effects is?
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Can Marijuana be laced with DMT?

Yes, marijuana can be laced with DMT. DMT can be made stable in a powdered form, at which point you can put it into a marijuana cigarette or whatever you use to get high. HOWEVER... The effects of DMT are so much stronger than the effects of marijuana that you wouldn't even notice the pot. DMT is an extremely potent drug. Marijuana CAN be laced with DMT, but it is an unnecessary and wasteful practice.

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Does marijuana have a stronger THC level then hashish?

no hasish has a stronger level of thc because it is the purest form of thc. its made from the "keef" of marijuana

Are gateway drugs illegal?

The term "gateway drug" refers to a substance that may lead to the use of more dangerous drugs but is not illegal in itself. Marijuana and alcohol are often considered gateway drugs. However, the legality of a substance is determined by local laws and regulations.

What is hash the drug?

its keef from marijuana somehow made into a solid.. or liquid. its 100% from marijuana

Is marijuana in the news?

Yes! There are plenty of stories about marijuana all the time. Check out controversies over medical marijuana, drug legalization, and drug trade.

Is the opium poppy myhrr?

No, hashish (hash) is not an opiate drug. It is concentrated THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana). It is made from marijuana, in fact.

What drug is made by the hemp plant and THC?

Marijuana, also known as Pot or Ganga,

What are the side effects of combining Seroquel and marijuana?

made me fall asleep sitting up

How is synthetic marijuana made?

If by synthetic marijuana you mean spice, it is made by picking random plants, drying them and then spraying them with a bunch of crazy chemicals. It's nothing like marijuana and has many serious side effects. Instant side effects may include seizures. There are too many long term side effects to list but neurological damage is a guarantee.

What makes marijuana a drug?

Marijuana has an active substance called tetra-hydro-cannabinol (THC) that gives the user the "high" associated with marijuana. Without this substance, marijuana would do nothing to the user. Marijuana is considered a drug because THC induces altered states of consciousness, like alcohol or caffiene, or cocaine. For a substance to be considered a drug it must have a direct effect on one of the systems within your body. Marijuana affects the central nervous system, which is made up primarily of the brain and an intricate network of nerves that run throughout your body. Marijuana is also considered a drug because the FDA and the federal government do not want you using it.

Where in the US is weed legal and if it is why there and not everywhere?

Its legal in Alaska to have an ounce in your house, buts its illegal on the federal level still.Marijuana is illegal because it has negative effects on the human body. Studies have proven that over a long (but not extremely long) period of time marijuana will have major effects on your body such as destroying countless brain cells. The substance is also addictive is a gateway drug to others such as the ever so deadly heroine. To keep the public safe the drug has been made illegal at a national level. The only accepted type of marijuana is medical marijuana but even still it is tough to obtain and there are many regulations.