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Not unless you light your finder on fite and try smoking it.

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Q: Can you get THC in your system from marijuana residue through fingers?
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Can you get THC in your system from marijuana residue?

Yes, You can get THC in your system from marijuana residue. However, marijuana residue, or as most incorrectly call it, resin, contains very LITTLE THC and a LOT of useless and harmful material

Can marijuana get in your system by handling it while trimming plants?

Short answer, yes. How? The THC absorbs through your skin and into your system. It is also bad for the buds you are trimming because of the oils on your fingers and the damage to the crystals. Use gloves and handle the buds as little as possible.

Can cocaine get into your system if you touch it?

yes by touching it, it can penetrate through the pours of your fingers.

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Can you fail a drug test by puttin marijuana up your vagina?

Gross, Yes if it goes through your system.

Can you get THC in your system just by smelling a bag of marijuana?

No, you do not get THC in your system by smelling a bag of marijuana.

Marijuana out of system?

If you're asking how long it takes for marijuana to get outta your system, usually the THC in your blood takes about 31-45 days to go through your body, but I recently discovered that it can depend on your height and weight. I am 5" even and 110 lbs. It took less than a week to get through my body.

If i smoked marijuana once how long will it be in my system?

Marijuana or Cannabis's principle compound is Tetrahydrocannabinol or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol which has a half life of 1.6-59 hours and is excreted mostly through feces.

What are way to take marijuana in your system?

pictures of marijuana in a capsule form

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How does information travel from the brain to the fingers?

there are millions of little tiny people that live in your body and the guy in your brain is the president so if he says to move your fingers then the people in your fingers jump up and down to move them <^>