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No it takes anywhere from 7-30 days depending on if you ever smoked before or not. But you have to remember THC stores in your fat so if you exercise it is possible to release a small amount back into your system

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No, the metabolites caused by Thc are completely unrelated to inhaling tobacco smoke

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Q: Does smoking cigarettes affect the time it takes THC to leave your system?
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No. It's supposed to flush nicotine out of your system a little faster than it would leave on its own, so it helps (a little) with quitting smoking. But drug tests for tobacco aren't all that common--insurance companies and some really anti-smoking companies (Scotts Miracle-Gro is one) do them, but cigarettes are legal so why bother?

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smoking can affectsomeones life very dramatically. one of the affect can be getting cancer or even another type of illness involving cancer. For women this happens often. Another affect might be if your a pregnant woman. If pregnant, you should not smoke. Smoking can give serious injuries and even leave your child at great risk. Many would include death.....FUNNY BUNNY FUNNY BUNNY FUNNY BUNNY AND YA DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH IT

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