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NO. Do NOT snort methadone. You will regret it if you do. It burns very bad, and also is pointless as well. Methadone is a SLOW acting opioid and will not produce a euphoric effect any faster by snorting it. Also, methadone expands the second it touches moisture. If you do not believe me, put one in a cup of water and watch. It will get stuck in your nose.

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Q: Is if more effective to snort methadone?
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Can you snore methadone?

If it is in pill form, Yes, you CAN snort methadone but I don't recommend it... it's very addictive and if you are not used to it could very easily kill you.

After eating a small amount of methadone can you snort Oxycontin?

Methadone makes Oxycontin WAY stronger when combined. I DO NOT recommend doing this. Better to save the methadone till the next day. They help with your hangover since they are for Oxycontin addicts going through with drawls.

Can you snort a 40mg orange methadone wafer?

No, methadone should be taken orally as prescribed.

Will drinking milk make methadone less effective?

Milk absorbs the Methadone causing it to be less effective. That's why if u ingested something poisonous they tell you to drink milk not to induce vomiting.

Is it safe and effective to snort Celexa?

No. It is not safe to snort Celexa. The directions specifically state that it must be taken orally. I can't think of one single thing that's meant to be snorted.

Does taking more methadone in the am help?

I wanted to better explain. The methadone works, but not usually during late afternoon/night. That's because the dosage says to take every 6 hours. Was thinking if I took more earlier in the day, it may be more effective during regular working hours. Hope that makes sense.

If you SNORT a pill for example methadone will it show up on a drug test As opposed to orally ingesting it?

Yes. It will make no difference, Your system processes it in the same manner, no matter how it enters the body.

Can you parachute methadone?

Indeed you can ... You can parachute any powder substance .. methadone doesnt have much of a time release mechanism anyways so regardless if you swallow it whole or parachute it you would almost certainly get the same effect ... but if youre going to chew the methadone just go ahead and parachute because when you chew a pill alot of it gets caught in your teeth parachuting will allow you to get all of the pill down your stomach intact !! ps. NEVER SNORT METHADONE .. YOU WILL BE SORRY : )

Does methadone show up on probation and parole urine tests in Delaware?

yes, if methadone is specifically tested for. Most of the time methadone is not tested for, but on tests with more panels a test for methadone will be present. Methadone does not show up in the urine as an opiate.

Can you snort methadone?

Yes. You can snort crack, but is illegal to possess and consume cocaine in any form. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not true. You can, but you would most likely die of a brain hemorrhage or something similar. You snort cocaine (not crack), and you smoke crack.

Can methadone have an effect on having babies?

No, pregnancy can still occur if methadone is being used. Also, see related link below for more information on methadone and pregnancy.

Can you use herion while on methadone?

yes, but methadone fills the neural receptors for opiates in the brain mush stronger than smack. If you are on 20mgs. or more of methadone, you are wasteing your time.