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In ancient times, the culture of the Germanic peoples to Rome's north and northeast differed from Roman culture in many ways. Their division into tribes, ruled independently by individuals, was one such way. Their lack of any systematic, organized legal process was another. Their theology and religious practices, their language, and their relatively simplistic technology -- these are still other cultural differences.

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9y ago
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10y ago

Any time we speak about the ancient Roman Empire and the people they encountered, it must always be specific in that even the Western part of empire or the Roman people as a small city state, begins in 700 BC BCE and stretches to appoximately 476 AD CE.

I had tried to narrow this question to "What did the ancient Roman historian Tacitus write about the Germanic Tribes?" I'll use him as a source because he is so well known among the ancient historians. His works cover Roman history up to the beginning years of the 2nd Century AD CE.

In general, Tacitus describes the Germanic Tribes as aboriginal. He also mentions that for the most part they did not inter marry with other peoples. The Germanics shared a common ground with Rome in that both peoples had a pagan religion. Tacitus claims that the Tribes all have blue eyes and have huge body frames. He finds them a weakness in that their endurance lacks that of Romans. Dispite their size he finds them less able to perform laborious work and cannot bear extreme cold or heat. They have no endurance when it came to lacking their normal sources of food.

All in all Tacitus finds them at this period of time to be barbarians.

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9y ago

Germanic culture was totally different than the Roman one. Many of these peoples had limited respect for central authority and valued local autonomy, whilst the Romans had a highly centralised empire. Many of them had warrior culture and liked fighting and raiding and gangs, while for the Romans fighting was reserved for a professional army. However, some Germanic peoples because Romanised though close contact with the Romans

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14y ago

They differed entirely as they were Germanic.

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They had no cities or written laws. Instead, they lived in small communities governed by unwritten customs.

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Q: How did the culture of the Germanic tribes differ from that of the Romans?
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How did culture of the Germanic tribes differ from that of the Romans?

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