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Elected officials have responsibilities to their electors, not rights.

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Q: What rights and responsibilities did the people have in an Ancient Greece direct democracy?
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Related questions

Was ancient Greece a direct or representative democracy?

First of all, we should note that only Athens and a few other city-states were ever democracies. The vast majority of Ancient Greece was ruled by monarchies or oligarchies and not by elections. However, in Athenian democracy, all of the citizens voted on policies, which made Athens a direct democracy.

What is the name of the democracy of Ancient Greece?

The first democracy in ancient Greece was in a city called, " Tu Madre" Which means, " Your Mom" in English. (Trolol)

Who created direct democracy in ancient Greece?

The beginning was in Athens by Pericles.

Who uses direct democracy as there government?

Ancient Greece. As of yet, no countries adopt direct democracy although governments and academics are looking into it.

How did direct democracy work in ancient Greece?

In ancient Greece Greeks were able to vote in an assembly or by a law making group.In ancient Greece Democracy meant all citizens shared power in some ancient Greek city-states

How did the direct democracy work in Greece?

In ancient Greece Greeks were able to vote in an assembly or by a law making group.In ancient Greece Democracy meant all citizens shared power in some ancient Greek city-states

What were Ancient Greece government?

The types of governments were... -MONARCHY -ARISTOCRATS -OLIGARCHY -and DIRECT DEMOCRACY

What kind of democracy Greece have?

Greece had a Direct democracy

Which city-state in ancient Greece was based on direct democracy?

Athen in the 5th century BCE

Did Greece have direct democracy?


First democratic country?

Ancient Greece is believed to have the first democracy. The city of Athens had a form of direct democracy where all eligible voters decided the issues.

Ask us statement best describes a difference between the political systems in ancient Greece and feudal Europe?

Ancient Greece was more reflective of the philosophy of direct democracy -APEX Hope this helps:)