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Well the truth is noone knows.

Most people could barely afford a peice of paper.

Its all lies if anyone tells u a number

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Janelle Nader

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1y ago
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1mo ago

In the 1800s, life expectancy was significantly lower compared to today, with an average lifespan ranging from 30 to 40 years old. High infant mortality rates brought down the average, but if someone survived their early years, they had a better chance of living into their 50s or 60s.

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10y ago

Contrary to what most people think, people in the 17th to 19th century did NOT on average die around 50 years old. That statistical 'average' life expectancy was much influenced by the Death Rate of children, of which some 20-25% never reached their first anniversary, and another 20% died before their 15th year.

But if you managed to survive all childhood diseases - and if, as a woman, you also survived childbirths - you stood a pretty good chance to live to age 70, and many of the tougher senior citizens lived to 75 or 80. Of course, pioneers ran a bigger risk of being killed falling off a wagon, being killed by Indians or drowning while crossing a river than city folk, but that did not really influence how long a pioneer on average could expect to live. The fact that there were few doctors around hardly mattered: doctors in that era (even the very famous and expensive ones) had very little knowledge of what exactly caused or could cure diseases, and hardly had any effective medicines to do it with.

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12y ago

29.5 yrs. old

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Q: How long did people live in the 1800?
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