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I don't think that is known. Generally in a battle like that arrows were loosed in flights, just trying to put as many missiles as possible into the enemy line. Archers weren't usually aiming at specific individuals. Thus a given archer wouldn't even know whether he had hit somebody much less who. So, in all likelyhood, no one knows and no one ever did. Michael Montagne For that matter, people aren't even entirely sure how Harold died - the arrow through the eye is one story, but there are others, such as that he was hacked down by knights, or trampled by horses.

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He was not stabed he was shot by an arrow through the eye by an ordinary soilger

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Q: Who was the archer that killed Harold at the Battle of Hastings?
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Harold Godwinson, who was king of England at the time of the battle of Hastings, killed Harold Hardraada at the battle of Stamford Bridge.

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Harold Hardraada didn't fight in the battle of Hastings Harold Godwinson did.

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Harold Godwineson was killed at the Battle of Hastings allegedly by an arrow striking his eye.

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Because they killed Harold.

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Harald from Normandy got killed by Harold's men and Harold got killed by William's archers

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He was killed at the Battle of Hastings - 14th October 1066.

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Harold Godwinson was the king of England during the battle of haistings.