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they used it to help communicate to others since written words weren't invented yet

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12y ago

Writing was developed so they could express ideas into words, record historical events, decorate tombs and temples with prayers and invocations. Creating a writing style like 'Hieroglyphics' made communication possible for more people.

Writing was nothing new. Hieroglyphics was a system where everyone used the same alphabet to communicate. This meant a larger number of people could understand what was written. It allowed for a recorded history, manuals, scripts, laws, and for accounting.

With this came great power as the King could create law, a scribe could write it down, other scribes could copy the law and then share it with the people. Common writing also meant they could create an accounting system in which transactions could be shared. It also meant that a real accounting of the people, their possessions and taxes were more accurate and easier.

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13y ago

Hieroglyphics was invented because the Egyptians needed a language to write and communicate with one another. Because the thought that it was important to record of the record about their government and religion.

By Harry Potter Fan

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Egyptologists are unsure of an exact date, but probably from around 3000 bc or so.

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Q: Why did ancient Egyptians start using hieroglyphs?
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Which civilization developed a system of writing using hieroglyphs?


When did the ancient egyptians start using hieroglyphics?

Hieroglyphics was found in Ancient Egypt in 3000 BCE.

What did the poor ancient egyptians use animals for?

If by poor Ancient Egyptians you mean the peasant farmers then they would be using oxen as draught animals.

How did ancient Egyptians write?

Egyptians wrote using ink on papyrus sheets. They also wrote by carving hieroglyphics into stone.

How did the ancient Egyptians practice medicine?

They practiced it by using anything they could find.

Related questions

Which civilization developed a system of wrighting using hieroglyphs?

The civilization that developed a system of writing using hieroglyphs is the Egyptian civilization. They were very advanced with their writing system.

Describe how the Egyptians used hieroglyphs to communicate?

By using the writing hieroglyphs, the ancient Egyptians were able to write down records. Also they used hieroglyphs as a way to keep track of the kingdom's growing wealth. And as the empire grew, it became necessary to create more hieroglyphs for more complicated ideas.

Which civilization developed a system of writing using hieroglyphs?


Which civilization developed system of writing using hieroglyphs?


Who started using hieroglyphs and why?

the egyptians, as a means of written communication, so bacially an alphabet

What time period did the ancient Egyptians start using gold?

Around 3000 B.C.

How did they write in egypt?

In ancient Egypt, writing was done using a system of hieroglyphs, which were symbols that represented words or sounds. Hieroglyphs were typically inscribed on papyrus scrolls or hieratic script, a simplified form of hieroglyphs that was used for everyday writing. The writing was done using reed pens or brushes dipped in ink made from carbon-based pigments mixed with water or other liquids.

When and why did Egyptians stop using hieroglyphs?

By the 4th century CE, few Egyptians were capable of reading hieroglyphs, and the myth of allegorical hieroglyphs was ascendant. Monumental use of hieroglyphs ceased after the closing of all non-Christian temples in 391 CE by the Roman Emperor Theodosius I; the last known inscription is from Philae, known as The Graffito of Esmet-Akhom, from 396 CE.

When did ancient Egyptians start using symbols?

so they could write letters to each other and to educate people

When did the ancient egyptians start using hieroglyphics?

Hieroglyphics was found in Ancient Egypt in 3000 BCE.

What did the poor ancient egyptians use animals for?

If by poor Ancient Egyptians you mean the peasant farmers then they would be using oxen as draught animals.

How did ancient Egyptians write?

Egyptians wrote using ink on papyrus sheets. They also wrote by carving hieroglyphics into stone.