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Q: What if you stung by a yellow jacket and you start to feel dizzy?
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Dog stung on lip by yellow jacket?

small dog stung on he's lip by yellow jacket yesterday how do i treat him gave him half a benodryal but still weak

What does it mean when a yellow jacket enters a house?

That you might get stung unless you can get it out again.

What do you put on a yellow jacket bee bite?

Immediately daub the stung area with Sting-Kill or meat tenderizer. After, you can ice the stung area to keep down the swelling.

Can yellow jackets sting after they are dead?

yes if you touch the stinger and the yellow jacket hasn't stung anyone else becasue once they sting someone or something their stinger wont grow back

Is mud dauber venom the same as a wasp?

I have been stung by a mud dauber and a yellow jacket. The mud dauber sting is more like a needle prick than a sting. The yellow jacket sting hurt a lot worse... I would think, based on my own reaction, that the venom is different.

What happend when Peeta got stung by the trakerjackers?

he got dizzy and sick....cause of the venom

Does the stinger stay in your foot when you get stung by a Yellow Jacket?

yes, and u better get it out before it gets into your blood stream-that is bad bcuz it can kill u by poisoning ur blood.. there is NO cure

What type of symptoms are displayed when stung by a marine animal?

Itching, Headaches, Earaches, And Feeling Sick or Light-Headed(Dizzy).

Do yellow jackets sting or bite?

THEY STING. and it hurts... real bad (i just got stung by in IN MY SHOE)

If you get stung by a yellow jacet in the temple will you die?

Yes almost immediately so be careful not to get stung there. Just kidding no you will not as their stingers are not strong enough to pierce your skull and not long enough to reach your brain.

Is there a name for the fear of bees?

I have it. Its Apiphobia meaning fear of bees and being stung by one. Never have been stung by one before not gonna start now.

What is the past tense of sting?

The dictionaries I looked at used "sting, stung, stung" (such as "the bee stung me yesterday").