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The English Channel separates England and France. In French, it is called La Manche.

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13y ago

The English Channel, called 'la Manche' in French.

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14y ago

The channel that lies between England and France is called the English Channel.

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14y ago

The English Channel is LA MANCHE in French. The narrowest bit is the Straits od Dover or the Pas de Calais.

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10y ago

The English channel separates France from Great Britain.

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11y ago

The English Channel, 21 miles wide at it's narrowest.

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Q: What channel is between the United Kingdom and France?
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The English channel is between which two countries?

the united kingdom and France the united kingdom and France

What chanel passes between France and the united kingdom?

The English Channel

What is the body of water between united kingdom and France?

It is the English Channel.

What water of body is between united Kingdom and France?

It is the English Channel.

What body of water lies between the United Kingdom and France?

The English Channel lies between the UK and France.

What is the body of water that lies between united kingdom and France?

The English Channel

The English channel is between what two countries?

The United Kingdom/England and France

What is channel separates United Kingdom and France?

English channel

What body of water that separates France and the United Kingdom.?

The English Channel runs along the South coast of the United Kingdom and just cutting through France. Fun Fact: If the English Channel didn't exist, then France and the United Kingdom would be one continent

Body of water that separated France and the united kingdom?

The English Channel runs along the South coast of the United Kingdom and just cutting through France. Fun Fact: If the English Channel didn't exist, then France and the United Kingdom would be one continent

Who joins France and United Kingdom underwater?

There is no 'who' - The 'what' - is the channel tunnel.

Does the English Channel separates Ireland and Great Britain?

Not entirely. The English Channel is the body of water between the South of England and France. The body of water between Eastern England and Scotland is The North Sea. See the map on the link below.