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Bach had many many descendants.

Johann Sebastian Bach

(1685 - 1750)

Anna Magdalena Wilcke (his wife)

(1701 - 1760)

Johann Jacob Bach

(1682 - 1732)

Wilhelm Friedemann Bach

(1710 - 1784)

Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

(1714 - 1788)

Gottfried Heinrich Bach

(1724 - 1763)

Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach

(1732 - 1795)

Lucia Elisabeth Munchhusen

(1728 - 1803)

Johann Christian Bach

(1735 - 1782)

Elisabeth Juliane Friederica


Johann Christoph Altnikol


Johanna Carolina


Regina Susanna


Wilhelm Ernst Colson Anna Philippiana Friederica Bach

(1755 - 1804)

Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Bach

(1759 - 1845)

Charlotte Philippina Elerdt

(1780 - 1801)

Christina Luise Bach

(d. 1852)

Johann Sebastian Altnikol

(1749 - 1749)

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15y ago

Many. He had four sons surviving to adulthood: Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710-1784), Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714-1788), Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach (1732-1795), and Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782).

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13y ago

Yes, he does!

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yes indeed.

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bach was famous for his compositions.

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Johann Sebastian Bach's father was Johann Ambrosius Bach (1645-1695), director of town musicians in Eisenach.

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Johann Sebastion Bach (1685 - 1750), a German Baroque composer, had over twenty children. Four of his children became quite famous musicians in their own right. These were Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710 - 1784), Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714 - 1788), Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach (1732 - 1795), and Johann Christian Bach (1735 - 1782).

Where can one purchase a Bach Trumpet?

One can purchase a Bach trumpet from websites such as 'Bach Brass', 'Amazon', 'Musicians Friend', 'Bach Strads', 'OzWinds', 'The Band Room', 'Kessler & Sons Music' and 'eBay'.

Who were bachs famous sons?

Carl Philip Emanual Bach (CPE Bach) and Wilhelm Friedmann Bach were Bach's famous sons. Both were also composers.

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Joseph Haydn

Did Bach play the violin?

He learnt from his father and his uncles, they also taught him how to play the organ and the harpischord. His father and one of his uncles were famous musicians, his father - Johann Amrosius Bach and one of his uncles - Johann Christoph Bach a famous organist. His brother, also names Johann Christoph Bach, taught him how to play the calvichord when he was about 10 years old.

How was Mozart more famous than bach?

He's not Bach is.