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I think you heat it but I could be wrong, I looked on here but no one had answered it so I'll take a swing at it for all you out there who need an answer! But I think you boil/heat the element to separate it.Actually energy is required to separate elements in a compound. Since the elements are chemically bonded you would need very intense heat or electrical energy(other forms may be used but these are most common). Just boiling it wouldn't be enough.
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12y ago

Yes. This is called nuclear fission. In a controlled reaction, a great deal of heat is generated and it is often used to generate electrical power. In an uncontrolled reaction, mushroom clouds bloom, things get vaporized, large areas of real-estate get flattened and rendered unlivable.

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10y ago

No. If an element is broken down further it is not an element anymore but only subatomic particles. If an element is part of a compound, it can be separated out. If water is broken apart it, will be hydrogen and oxygen again. Both of which are elements.

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15y ago

Only into it's component atoms; all alike.

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13y ago

Yes, under the right circumstances, such as heat energy, elements can be separated.

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Q: Can elements separate to form a compound?
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You can separate elements in a compound using electricity through a process called electrolysis. Electrolysis involves passing an electric current through a compound, causing it to break down into its constituent elements at the electrodes. The positively charged cations are attracted to the negative electrode (cathode), while the negatively charged anions are attracted to the positive electrode (anode), resulting in the separation of the elements.

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