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If you look up the nervous system there are 3 places in your lower back that cause Sciatic or pinched nerve in three locations. Lower lumbar back at 3,4,5, cause pain in the left or right backside cheek, a shorter nerve. One causes pain that comes into the groin are from the backside around and up through groin. One causes the pain that runs down the outside seem of your pants and can end of in the second little toe. (next to the pinkie toe) It is called the Sciatic nerve.

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14y ago

It passes through the greater sciatic foramen

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11y ago

no, the sciatic nerve passes through the greater sciatic foramen

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Which are the following structures passes through the greater sciatic foramen of the llium?

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What does sciatic mean?

Sciatic is not a word--but sciatic nerve is. The sciatic nerve is a large nerve that starts in the lower back and runs through the buttock and down the lower limb. It is the longest and widest single nerve in the body. Hope this helped!

Where does the sciatic nerve exit?

The sciatic nerves exit the pelvic bone through an opening (greater sciatic foramen) to emerge in the buttock.

What nerve must be avoided when giving injections in the buttock muscles?

The sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve in the body.That is why injections are ususally given in the gluteus medius, in order to avoid the sciatic nerve.

What muscle does the sciatic nerve pass through?

M. Piriformis

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the two branches of the sciatic nerve

What sciatic nerve passes through a large indention in the posterior part of the ilium called?

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What sciatic nerve passes through a large indention in the posterior part of the ilium called the?

greater sciatic notch

What happens if you get near a nerve giving an buttocks injection?

The femoral nerve.

What is Main nerve that runs through a body?


Where is the sciatic nerve located in your body?

The Sciatic Nerve is located in the lower back , runs through the buttock and down the lower legs - see related link for a diagram .

What is the medical term meaning sciatic nerve?

Sciatic nerve is a medical term !!