

How many km in 16000 steps?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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15y ago

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That depends on the length of your stride, but in general, the "average" person's stride is between 24 and 30 inches. People with longer legs take longer strides, of course.
Using a typical 30-inch stride, 1600 steps would be 4000 feet, which equals 3/4 mile.
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8y ago
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15y ago

16,000 steps = 12.21 km

1). If an average step is 30" divided by 12"/ft = 2.5 feet per step

2). 5280' = 1 mile divided by 2.5 steps = 2112 steps per mile

3). 16,000 steps divided by 2112 spm = 7.58 miles per 16,000 steps

4). If 1 mile = .621 KM then 7.58m divided by .621km/m = 12.21KM per 16,000 steps!

5) Voila!

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15y ago

Depends how long your legs are. For most people a pace of 80 cm would be comfortable, so 1600 steps would be 1280 meters or 1.28 km

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13y ago

It depends on your leg length, build, and many other factors.

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13y ago

Approximately 8 kms.

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15y ago

for the average person about 7.5 miles

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