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Galileo figaro, magnifico -queen, bohemian rhapsody

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Q: What is Galileo Galilei's personal life?
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What was Galileo galileis published materials?

Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief and The Starry Messenger

Did Galileo galilie have a daughter?

no he did not he had no personal life at all

How did Galileo galileis inventions changed the world today?

Galileo Galilei changed the world today because he invented many space telescopes that still come in handy today, he also was the one of the only people that experimented his own theories. I LOVE RYAN ANDREW SWIFT

What was Galileo galileis most important achievement?

Galileo is considered to be the founder of the science of physics, because he was the first to show that the fundamental properties of the physical universe could be systematically investigated by observation and logical analysis, rather than by pure speculation as had previously been done. In terms of specific discoveries, perhaps the most important was the discovery that the weight of an object does not affect the speed at which it falls.

Did Galileo stay in house arrest?

Yes, Galileo stayed on house for the rest of his life.

What caused the fever and heart palpitations in Galileo's later life?

It was Gods punishment to Galileo for committing heresay

How does Galileo influence your world?

He my life more confusing

How did living during the Renaissance affect Galileo Galilei?

It was hard life time to accomplish great things but Galileo was able to

How did telescopes impact on Galileo's life and job?

who really cares

What was the main event in Galilei Galileo's life?

He invented the telescope

Is Galileo from american history?

No. Galileo was born in 1564 and died in 1642. The first permanent American colony, Jamestown, was founded in 1607 and Galileo was not on the boat to see it founded. He lived his whole life in Italy.

What is Galileo Galilei Galileos main event in his life?

it is where he invents the telescope