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An inorganic compound is a compound that doesnÃ?t contain carbon. Many of these compounds are important for us to live, including water and oxygen.

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Q: What is the uses of inorganic compounds?
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Inorganic chemistry is the study of?

Inorganic chemistry is the study of chemical compounds that do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds, such as metals, minerals, and salts. It focuses on understanding the behavior and properties of inorganic substances, including their structure, reactivity, and uses in various applications.

An organism that uses energy to produce its own food supply from inorganic compounds is called an?

An organism that uses energy to produce its own food supply from inorganic compounds is called an autotroph (within a food chain, it is a producer).

Differentiate the properties of inorganic compound and organic compound?

Carbon is always present in all organic compounds, but lacking in inorganic compounds. Similarly hydrogen is always present in organic compounds but are missing in inorganic compounds.

Summary of inorganic compound?

Inorganic compounds are chemical compounds that do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds. They include salts, metals, minerals, and other substances. Inorganic compounds play critical roles in various industrial, biological, and environmental processes.

Definition of Inorganic Chemistry?

Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that focuses on the study of compounds that do not contain carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bonds - essentially, all compounds that are not classified as organic. This field involves the study of elements, minerals, metals, and other substances found in the Earth's crust. Inorganic chemists investigate the properties, structures, reactions, and uses of inorganic compounds.

Related questions

What uses sunlight to change inorganic substances into organic compounds?

Photosynthesis is the process in which plants and some other organisms use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like glucose. This process produces oxygen as a byproduct and is essential for the survival of most living organisms.

What uses light energy and inorganic substances to produce organic compounds?

Plants do this.

Are oxides inorganic compounds or organic compounds?

they are inorganic

An organism that uses energy to produce its own food supply from inorganic compounds is called an?

An organism that uses energy to produce its own food supply from inorganic compounds is called an autotroph (within a food chain, it is a producer).

What is the difference organic and inorganic compounds?

All organic compounds contain carbon; most inorganic compounds doesn't contain carbon.

Are water salt and ammonia inorganic compounds or organic compounds?

Water, salt and ammonia are inorganic compounds.

Classifications of compounds as organic and inorganic?

Organic compounds contain carbon bonded to hydrogen. Inorganic compounds do not.

Are CO2 and H2O inorganic compounds?

Yes, both CO2 (carbon dioxide) and H2O (water) are considered inorganic compounds. Inorganic compounds are typically those that do not contain carbon-hydrogen bonds.

An organism that produces its own food supply from inorganic compounds is called?

well obviously an organism that produces itsown food is called aPRODUCER!!..OK NOT ANYTHING ELSE CAUSE THEN THAT WOULD BE A LIE!

Define Organic and Inorganic?

Organic refers to compounds containing carbon atoms, typically derived from living organisms. Inorganic refers to compounds lacking carbon atoms or those that are not derived from living organisms.

Are minerals organic or inorganic compounds?

Minerals are inorganic compounds. They are naturally occurring substances with a defined chemical composition and crystal structure, unlike organic compounds which contain carbon and are typically derived from living organisms.

What does an inorganic compound contain?

inorganic compounds are any compounds without carbon present