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Metabolic reactions require organic catalysts called enzymes. These enzymes lower the activation energy of the reaction, thus increasing its reaction rate.

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4d ago

Metabolic reactions require organic catalysts called enzymes. These enzymes help to speed up chemical reactions within cells by lowering the activation energy needed for the reactions to occur. Each enzyme is specific to a particular reaction or set of reactions.

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Q: Metabolic reactions require organic catalysts called?
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What molecule speeds up chemical reactions by lowering activation energy?

Catalysts lower the activation energy of reactions, usually by providing an alternate reaction pathway, or mechanism that does not require so much energy. Having a lower activation energy means that less energy has to be transferred to each molecule in order for the reaction to progress.

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a. all reactions are endergonicb. many reactions require large inputs of activation energyc. no catalysts are present in body cellsd. there is not enough ATP in body cells

What do enzymes do inside living cells?

Enzymes are inside our cells in our body, they are meant there so we won't be sick and feel terrible, not only us but the cells protecting the enzymes are protecting us so we won't feel terrible, but it depends on how you help your body, the cells, and the enzymes.

Metabolic process that require oxygen are called?

Metabolic processes that require oxygen are termed aerobic. Metabolic processes that do not require oxygen are termed anaerobic.

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Metabolic processes that require oxygen are termed aerobic. Metabolic processes that do not require oxygen are termed anaerobic.

Is it true or false that metabolic processes that require oxygen are called anaerobic?

Metabolic processes that require oxygen are called anaerobic is false. Metabolic processes that require oxygen are called aerobic. Metabolic processes that do not require oxygen are called anaerobic.

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Anabolism is a metabolic process that requires energy. It refers to a set of chemical reactions involved in the synthesis of larger molecules from smaller components.

Does using different catalysts in final fantasy 13 make a difference?

no, but different weapons require different catalysts

Chemical reactions that require energy?

endothermic reactions require energy

What is the definition of the word catalysts?

Regardless of how much energy is ultimately created or used up by a chemical reaction, a certain amount of energy called the activation energy must first be invested to start the reaction. Catalysts help chemical reactions occur by lowering this activation energy, allowing for the reaction to occur far more frequently and require less energy in the short run. Catalysts are never exhausted when used in this way, so they can be used over and over to facilitate numerous consecutive reactions occur.

What about combustion reaction makes them different from either synthesis or decomposition reaction?

The short answer is combustion reactions are a subset of synthesis reactions that require one of the reactants to be oxygen. Common combustion of organic molecules results in the formation of CO2 . However, it is not required that combustion be limited to organic molecules. They are different from decomposition reactions in the same way synthesis is the opposite of decomposition.