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It is an oxydation reaction.

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Q: What is the chemical reaction when you burn a candle inside a glass beaker?
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What is the chemical reaction when you burn a candle?

When a candle burns the reactions that occur are both chemical and physical. Chemical reaction is when substances are mixed together to create a different material. A physical reaction is when there is a change in the appearance of the substance. For example when water turns to ice, and when chocolate melts. The chemical reaction that happens when a candle burns is when the oxygen combines with the paraffin. When this happens, this makes carbon dioxide, water and other materials. When the wax reacts with the oxygen it gives off light and heat. The more oxygen that reacts with the candle when it burns, the brighter and hotter it is. The physical reaction that occurs is when the candle wax melts. When the energy (light and heat) inside of the candle is released it helps to melt the candle.

Should we measure the mass of a beaker before measuring a chemical or powder inside the beaker?

You can do that or you can zero balance the scale with the empty beaker on it before adding the substance to be measured to the beaker.

Is the reaction inside a chemical heat pack endothermic?

The reaction is exothermic.

What is the difference of physical and chemical reaction?

a physical reaction you can see and a chemical is the molecules changing inside the object

How long can a candle burn under beakers of different sizes?

This delightfully simple experiment may be used to estimate the percentage of oxygen in the air. Assumption is that all the Oxygen is consumed. Mount candle on a small watchglass floating on water, light the candle, and place an inverted beaker over the whole to create a water seal. Measure the rise of the water inside the beaker.

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How is Production Engineering related to Chemical Engineering?

Chemical Engineering is mainly based on Chemical Reaction Engineering. It is the things which happens inside the production reaction ( Which is what they do in production engineering but not in the chemical aspect )

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What are the uses of a beaker brush?

A beaker brush cleans the inside of a beaker after you are finished using it.

Where can you see a chemical reaction take place in a hot air balloon?

A chemical reaction takes place inside hot air balloons whenever they are flying. Specifically, the propane tanks used to heat the air inside the balloon create a combustion reaction.

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the chemical inside the dry cell is the fluid where chemical reaction take place this fluid is CYTOPLASM

Is a tire losing air a chemical reaction?

no. no chemical changes occur. air just moves from the inside of a tire to the atmosphere