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Mars has many craters because it's been hit by many asteroids and space debris.

By the way, if we could remove all trees and vegetation, we'd see the earth also has many craters-- not as many as Mars possibly, but scientists know the earth has been hit by asteroids and meteors.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Cratered surfaces are a result of asteroid attacks on planet surfaces. Solar system as it appears is not a calm place.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

We have a lot of interplanetary debris. How did you clean it up in your solar system?

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βˆ™ 12y ago

because a scientist

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Q: Why most satellites and the planets have many craters?
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Which 2 inner planets have the most craters?

Mercury and Mars.

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All four inner planets have craters. Mercury is the most heavily cratered.

Are holes in the planets made by asteroids?

If you mean craters then yes. Most craters are caused by impacts from asteroids or comets. Some craters, however, are volcanic.

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What causes craters on rocky planets?

Most of the time these are asteroids that connect with the planets at high rates of speed.

Why do craters stay on planets and moons?

Many planets and moons have craters because they do not have any significant erosive or geologic forces to destroy them. Most of the craters of Earth have eroded away, been buried under sediment, or destroyed by plate tectonics. Some on Venus likely eroded away or were covered by lava flows. The Planet Mercury and most moons in the solar system do not have these forces to destroy or cover craters.

What planets are most likely to be pitted with meteor craters?

inner solar system

Do most satellites in the outer solar system have perfect smooth surfaces?

No. No object in the solar system has a perfectly smooth surface. These satellites have craters, mountains, and valleys.

Is there a theory that explains why planets are covered with so many craters?

Yes. In addition to the planets, the solar system is filled with many smaller objects, primarily asteroids and comets. These objects occasionally collide with planets, leaving behind craters. Most major impacts occurred when the solar system was young and much more chaotic than it is now.

Which inner planet has a surface covered with craters?

Mercury is the most heavily cratered of the inner planets.