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"Urine big trouble if you mess with them bees, boy"

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Q: What is a good title for a poem of bees?
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What is a good title to a cake poem?

a cake poem.

What is good sentence with rhythm?

A good sentence for rhythm is in a poem like "sitting with the trees and with the flying bees

What is a good title for a poem about green?

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What is a good title for a poem about a birthday cake or just a cake?

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What are good poem titles?

You must understand that a title generally has to mesh with the content of the poem itself so it all depends on what your poem is about.

What is a good title for a poem in a competition?

Only you can come up with a good name! Titles come from the poem, not from some anonymous person on the internet! Titles are not as important as some writers think - your title might change many times between your first write and your final draft!Think about your poem - what is going on and who are the people involved? What is something special about the poem that might make a good title? Don't sweat it - just write something down and get on with the writing!Check out the Related Questions for help with your poem, too!

Is the day of may a good title for a poem?

yes Emohellokitty97 it is my mom uses that title did you use it for school Ms. Wimer i had her last year.

Where is a good place to start re-reading a poem?

A library or somewhere quiet. And start at the title.

What is a good title for a poem that's theme is Black History Month?

'Why we only get one month'