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Macbeth hesitates to kill Duncan because he has a change of mind. He begins thinking about the fact that Duncan has recently honored him by promoting him to the position of Thane of Cawdor. Likewise he reflects that if you get power by violence you set an example for someone who wants to get rid of you. Also, the King is not only his king but also his cousin. And there is an ancient taboo against harming guests in your house. And besides, if it were ever known what he did, there would be a huge outcry because Duncan is such an agreeable old buffer. And against all of this, what can Macbeth think of to encourage him to kill Duncan? Just the chance of becoming king. Big deal.

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16y ago

MacBeth has three reasons not to kill the king. First, killing Duncan may come back to harm MacBeth in the end. Second, the king is currently in MacBeth's care and MacBeth is his host. Third, Duncan is a noble man and many would miss him. MacBeth's only reason for wanting to kill Duncan is his ambition to become the king himself. He decides not to do it. However, he is eventually convinced by Lady Macbeth to go forward with killing Duncan when she questions his manhood.

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13y ago

Macbeth decides to murder King Duncan because he wants to become the next king.

Many critics argue that Macbeth's fatal flaw that brought his undoing was his desire for power. After the Three Witches tell Macbeth that he will become the next King, Macbeth is troubled by recurring thoughts of the possibility that he may actually become the king. To make matters worse, Lady Macbeth relentlessly coerces Macbeth to take action. In fact, when Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth that he will not kill King Duncan, Lady Macbeth insults him by claiming that he is not a man but a coward who will not take action in order to become the king. Ultimately, Macbeth caves in and decides to kill Duncan to become the king in order to avoid the displeasure of his wife.

Ultimately, Macbeth's desire to be king (which is perfectly normal for one so closely related to the king; Malcolm wants to be king too) is not what makes him decide to murder Duncan. He has already said, "I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, save only vaulting ambition, which o'erleaps itself and falls on the other . . ." and come to the conclusion "we shall proceed no further in this business." It is Lady Macbeth's ambition and his love for her that do him in.

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8y ago

Because he realizes that it is wrong for many reasons, and that if he becomes king, he will not be secure in his kingship, both because there will be a wave of sympathy for Duncan and also because he who lives by the dagger dies by the dagger. Or as he puts it, "this even-handed justice commends the ingredients of our poisoned chalice to our own lips."

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12y ago

The witches prophecies, he feels that he deserves to be king, therefore he has greed of power, which makes him a tragic hero, and his first mistake in judgment is that of killing the king

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Lady Macbeth talks him into it. She knows how to press his buttons, especially his sense of masculinity. "If thou durst do it, then thou were a man!" she says.

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cuz dats how the play was wrote

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because she is sad

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Q: Why does Macbeth hesitate to kill Duncan?
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Did Macbeth hesitate to murder Duncan?

Yes Macbeth did hesitate to murder King Duncan, he went through allot of mental turmoil about this decision. In his soliloquy he gave good reasons for not wanting to kill Duncan 1)he is not a bad king 2) he is there in double trust. In the end Macbeth did not want to kill Duncan but it was Lady Macbeth's persuasion that caused him to commit the act. In comparison Macbeth had no hesitate in killing Banquo and Lady Macduff.

Why was Macbeth reluctant to murder duncan?

why was macbeth releuctant to kill duncan

Why Macbeth kill duncan?

To inherit Duncan's Throne

What reason does Macbeth give for killing King Duncan's guards?

Macbeth believes he has to kill Duncan's guards in case they heard anything happen in the room while Macbeth was killing Duncan.

Does Lady Macbeth kill Ducan's guards?

NO! Lady Macbeth does not kill king Duncan's Guard Macbeth does to prove his guilt.

Who finally convices Macbeth to kill Duncan?

Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to kill Duncan by questioning his masculinity and invoking his ambition for power. She manipulates him into believing that murdering Duncan is the only way to achieve their goal of becoming king and convinces him that they can get away with it.

Lady Macbeth helps Macbeth to kill duncan by?

She gives him the weapon and the opportunity.

Where does Macbeth kill duncan?

Macbeth kills Duncan in his own castle at night time.

How are Lady Macbeth and Macbeth different in their initial views on killing Duncan?

The reaction between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth is initially very different after they kill Duncan. Lady Macbeth is enthusiastic but Macbeth regrets his actions.

Is this a fact Lady Macbeth really didn't want to kill Duncan?

She didn't want to kill him herself, because she said Duncan looked like her dad while he slept. She did have Macbeth murder Duncan nonetheless

Why won't Lady Macbeth kill duncan?

he reminds her of her father

What does lady Macbeth plan to do the night of king duncans death to help Macbeth kill him?

she gets the guards drunk so that they pass out allowing Macbeth to kill duncan.