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I'll take a wild guess and say 6.25mg. if that's not right I too would like to know how to compute. I had a dose today but don't know the amount they infused.

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1w ago

After one day, which is equivalent to 24 hours, half of the technetium-99 would have decayed. This means only 50mg of the original 100mg sample would still be present in the patient's body.

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14y ago

Technetium-99 has a half life of 2.111x105 years.

There is also an isotope called technitium-99m, which has a half life of 6.01 hours.

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10y ago

Technetium-99 has a half life of 211,000 years.

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Q: The technetium-99 isotope has a half-life of 6.0 hours If a 100mg sample of technetium-99 were injected into a patient how many milligrams would still be present after one day?
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