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The lower stage have not been found in all cultures

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Q: What is the weakness of Kohlberg Theory of Moral Development?
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When was Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development created?

Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development was created in 1958.

Piaget is to cognitive development as Kohlberg is to what type of development?

Piaget is to cognitive development as Kohlberg is to MORAL development.

On what grounds did Carol Gilligan challenge Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

Gilligan believed that Kohlberg's theory was biased against girls as it did not value nurturing and empathy as much as logical debate.

Who developed a theory of moral reasoning building on piaget's model?

Lawrence Kohlberg

According to Kohlberg moral development is?

determined by cognitive development

During which stage does complex moral thinking begin to develop?

For the test quoted the correct answer is "Adolescents, age 13 to 20." Supporting theory is Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development.

Which level is Mary operating from in Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

To answer this question we're need information about Mary to know what level she is in.

What Psychological theory can be used to study forgiveness and rejection sensitivity?

Moral reasoning theory by Kohlberg

What is preconventional moral development?

Preconventional moral development is a stage in Kohlberg's theory of moral development, where individuals make decisions based on self-interest and avoiding punishment. They view right and wrong in terms of consequences rather than internalized moral principles. This stage typically occurs in early childhood.

Procedure did piaget and kohlberg use to study moral development?

clinical interviewing

Definition of post conventional reasoning in early childhood?

Post conventional reasoning is the highest level in Kohlberg's theory of moral development. At this level, the individual recognizes alternative moral courses, explores the options, and then decides on a personal moral code.Resource: Life-Span Development: Twelfth Edition.