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Jesus was nailed to the cross. They nailed Him on His heels and wrists. CHOOSE HIM!!!!!!! Answer 10/Apr/2009 Crucifixion was a slow and agonising death. Contrary to what a lot of people think, a person's life did not end through bleeding to death or starvation.This is how it happened: - The weight of the outstretched body pushed down on to the rib cage. - The rib cage then pushed into the lungs, so that it was difficult to breathe, and the lungs thus filled with fluid. - A small piece of wood was placed under the feet to enable to person to push himself up so that he could breathe better; this prolonged the agony. - When it was time to end the display of punishment, the legs were broken so that the person could no longer push himself up, and thus collapsed, resulting in death as described above. Jesus was dead when the soldier came to to his to Him. - It took, on average, 3 hours to die.

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14y ago

they nailed his hands on to the cross. when Jesus died Marry ( Jesus's mother ) was crying. and then. 100 minutes later jesus came back alive and came stayed with his friends and family for 40 more days. then after 40 days was over Jesus went to heven and promised i am coming back soon. so then on his family and friends died.

AnswerCrucifixion is a cruel and humiliating death.

Before the actual Crucifixion, Jesus was scourged - whipped to within a hair's breadth of death. Roman scourging involved a whip in which pellets of lead were woven so that on whipping they tore in to flesh. In this way at each stroke (and there were usually 30-40 strokes) the flesh would be torn to the bone. At this stage the body would go into shock. Many did not survive the scourging and their dead bodies would be crucified. Jesus did survive (dont forget he was a strong, stocky carpenter) and so proceeded to the crucifixion proper. Before this, he was made to wear a crown of thorns (as the soldiers mocked him as 'king'), beat him, mocked him and spat on him.

He was made to carry his crossbar to the place of execution. He was stripped naked - itself a very humiliating experience in Jewish culture (the loincloth shown in art did not really exist ). There his wrists (not hands) were nailed to the bar so that the nails passed through the bones in the wrists causing excruciating pain as the nerves were severed, and the bones there were enough to support his weight. His feet would be turned sideways, and a single nail hammered through both ankles - again designed to cause the most pain.

For some death would have already occurred at the scourging, for others it took longer - even up to a couple of days. In Jesus' case it took six hours, according to the gospel accounts.

Death would be caused, not primarily by blood loss, but because the body goes into shock and suffocation occurs because of fluid build-up in the lungs. Sometimes the legs of the victim would be broken by a single hammer blow, to speed up death, but this did not happen in Jesus' case. Instead a spear was thrust into his side to confirm death as 'blood and water' came out - ie condealed blood and serum, incidating that blood circulation by the heart had ceased some time before.

After his burial, however, on the third day afterwards, the tomb was found empty and a glorified resurrected Jesus appeared to many people including his disciples, and, according to Paul, to many others - on one occasion over 500 in one place.

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12y ago

why... because of this thing called "sin"... in the beginning God created the heavens and earth (science calls it the "big bang") and the first humans (Adam and Eve). Adam & Eve were is right relationship with God and each other, however they chose to disobey God (they chose to sin) by eating of the fruit of a tree that God forbade them to eat from. The punishement for their sin was ultimately death (Romans 3:23 For the wages of sin is death). Ever since that first sin, we are born into sin and continually sin by actions, thoughts, or words that go against God.

But the story doesn't end there, God loved his creation (us... people who sin) so much that he sent his one and only son, Jesus Christ, into the world... to live among us become the ultimate sacrifice to bear the wrath & punishment that we should receive from God for our sins. So, Jesus died so that we could have a restored relationship with God the Father untarnished by sin (the sacrificial blood of Jesus washes away our sins so we are free from the penalty of sin that we deserve... whoever believes in Jesus will not perish but have everlasting life.

The reason Jesus was killed was because he told people that he was God and the religious people of the time thought that was blasphemy and reason enough to kill him.

How.... he was whipped until his organs were showing, then his hands and feet were nailed to a cross, on which he hung until he died.

Then, 3 days later he rose from dead... proving that he was who he claimed to be... God.

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10y ago

The Christ, Jesus the Christ died on a Roman cross at Calvary just outside the walls of Jerusalem. Many persons who died on crosses died of suffocation and some believe Jesus died of suffocation, but He did not. He probably died from heart failure or a burst heart. A person who dies from suffocation can not speak and as we know by the Scriptures Jesus was able to speak and cry out with a loud voice right up to the time He gave up His life. When the spear was thrust into His side, blood and water flowed out.

The important thing to know is that Jesus came to earth from heaven and was born a human Babe born to Mary at Bethlehem and His purpose was to go to the cross and die for mankind's sin. Jesus was a sinless person while on earth and qualified as the perfect sacrifice for man's sin.

In order to take "advantage" of Jesus' death on the cross and go to heaven when you died you have to accept Jesus as your Savior personally. John 14:6, " I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.". Please read Romans 10:9-13.

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13y ago

Jesus Christ died on the cross at Calvary.

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Jesus Christ was executed by crucifixion.

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